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Docent lecture: What historians can contribute to Agenda 2030

How is it that we have such similar network-based water systems in cities all over the world, despite the fluctuating hydrological, economic and institutional conditions?
NB the lecture is held in Swedish.

Time: Thu 2018-10-04 15.30

Location: V1, Teknikringen 72, KTH Campus

Participating: David Nilsson

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This lecture will be based primarily on the global challenges of water, sanitation and sustainable urban development (Objectives 6 and 11), and explore if it is possible to discover a completely different kind of socio-technical solution beyond the centralized and networked paradigm.

Based on his own research and long-term activities in eastern and southern Africa, David Nilsson will point out what the story can teach us about these sometimes complex contexts, and how historians can - and should - be involved in the social change within the framework of Agenda 2030.