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"Drugs, pharmaceuticals and contaminants: What wastewater can reveal about your neighbours"

Water research lunch seminar

Wastewater-based epidemiology has been around for the last decades but has gained global attention as a tool to track SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics and its variants. Large-scale monitoring efforts have been set up in numerous countries which focused on sampling wastewater from wastewater treatment plants as a means to cover large section of the population. Sampling at the finer spatial scale, for example from neighbourhoods, entails some new challenges.

Time: Wed 2023-05-03 12.00 - 12.45

Location: Online

Video link: You will receive a Zoom when you register for the webinar

Language: English

Participating: Lluís Corominas, Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Spain


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This webinar will showcase the results from the case study of Barcelona within the SCOREwater project in which several variables of lifestyle habits were measured in three neighbourhoods of different socioeconomic status. Results entail the analysis of wastewater flows, SARS-CoV-2, illicit drugs consumption, pharmaceuticals consumption, and antimicrobial resistance. An update will be given as well on the current status of the SARSAIGUA surveillance network for SARS-CoV-2 in sewage at the Catalan level.

About Lluís Corominas

Lluís Corominas is a scientist with expertise in the holistic analysis of urban water systems. His research focuses on understanding water and pollutant dynamics in sewers, wastewater treatment plants and rivers to improve ecosystems and human health.

Lluís Corominas is an expert in monitoring, modelling and control. He is passionate about sustainability and resilience assessment.

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