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Water in a Changing World: Unraveling the Complexities of Conflict and Cooperation

Doctoral student Elisie Kåresdotter, Stockholm University defends her doctoral thesis

Time: Fri 2024-05-24 13.00 - 15.30

Location: De Geer lecture hall, Geoscience building, Svante Arrhenius väg 14, Stockholm University

Video link: Join the public defence online

Language: English

Participating: Elisie Kåresdotter

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Water is a crucial resource that can unite or divide nations, but throughout history, people have generally cooperated to solve water-related issues. However, as freshwater scarcity intensifies due to climate shifts and escalating human demands, it is critical to identify water-related conflicts and cooperation dynamics. For instance, changes in water patterns, including floods, droughts, and dam construction to manage varying precipitation, could lead to increased competition and conflict over water resources. Effective water management and collaboration could help resolve these issues and foster peaceful water governance.

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