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Opportunity for master thesis projects

Published Nov 26, 2020

Master thesis projects at SVOA - Stockholm Water & Waste - during spring 2021 are possible within two different projects.

Project 1

A potential upside with a nanomembrane treatment step is that it may remove these
petroleum products without any use of activated carbon. This project aim at
answering the following questions:

  • Removal rate of different types of hydrocarbons dissolved in water?
  • Are there any negative irreversible effects on the polymeric membrane?
  • In order to avoid releasing any separated oils into the recipient lake, what are the possibilities for further treatment of the waste stream?

For testing different petroleum products there is a bench top membrane unit available
to compare different oil products with at least one type of hollow fiber nanomembrane
One of the interesting analyses would be to look at which kinds of hydrocarbons that
are being removed and relate these compounds to odour disturbance in the treated
water. After the quantitative analysis of oil concentration being separated, there
should be one or more proposals on how the waste stream could be treated before
being let back into the recipient lake. Additionally, a manufacturer (Pentair) has
proposed to check the membrane surface with EDX and/or SEM to look for residual
fouling or other irregularities after the lab tests have been performed.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, none of the work will be conducted at the water works
and all meetings are likely to be online. The filtration equipment is quite small and is
possible to set up at any suitable location. The project should be performed in a
scientific manner and with scientific methods, the results presented in a report and
oral presentation.


If you are interested in this project, you should send an application to Lars-Erik
Hägglund (, 08 522 136 73), no later than December 13.
Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Do not forget to write why you
are interested in this project and what makes you a good candidate.

Job description in Swedish.

Uppdrag 2

Examensarbetet går ut på att ta fram ett eller flera framtidsscenarier som beskriver
Stockholm runt år 2070. Fokus ska ligga på faktorer som direkt eller indirekt påverkar
vattenproduktionen och avloppsreningen och kan inkludera saker som
befolkningstillväxt, demografi, teknikutveckling, digitalisering, matvanor, nyttjande av
kemikalier och läkemedel, stadsutveckling, ökad/minskad centralisering, förändringar
i lagkrav och energiförsörjning, förändringar i beteenden m.m. Det ska även framgå
hur de olika scenarierna påverkar SVOAs VA-verksamhet. Arbetet sker i samarbete
med SVOA, de akademiska handledarna och olika externa kontakter. På grund av
rådande omständigheter kommer arbetet utföras på distans. Uppdraget ska utföras
på ett vetenskapligt sätt och metoder samt resultat presenteras i en rapport samt vid
en muntlig presentation.


Om du är intresserad av examensarbetet, skicka in en ansökan till Sofia Andersson,
utvecklingsingenjör Avlopp (, 08 522 133 36) och Ida
Bodlund, utvecklingsingenjör Vatten (, 08 522 136 26) senast
11 december, och glöm inte att beskriva varför du är intresserad av projektet och
varför du är en bra kandidat.