Värmdö - KTH Collaboration visited Djurö Marine Field Station during the annual leadership dialogue.
The field station and its surroundings were showcased together with the interesting research activities going on at Djurö.
An opening toast was made for the successful start and continuation of Djurö Marine Field Station. Left to right; Cecilia Lejon, Marcus Nybom, Deshira Flankör, Muriel Beser Hugosson, Majken Elfström, Fredrik Gröndahl, David Nilsson.
Mayor Deshira Flankör and Director Cecilia Lejon, Värmdö, are happy to hear more about the research project SMARC.
Head of Enterprise Marcus Nybom and Head of Water and Sanitation Majken Elfström, Värmdö, were shown the hydrofoil craft used in the FoilCart II project by Dr. Nicholas Honeth, KTH.
The hydrofoil which will allow the craft to travel above water; smoother and more energy-efficient.