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Summer in Sweden and at KTH

Hejsan allihoppa!

now in July Sweden goes into some form of hibernation and with it KTH as well. July is the month where most Swedish work places take summer vacation, including KTH. The reason to this is likely the climate here. With the long and dark winter behind, now is the time of (moderately) warm weather and long sunny days, with only four hours of night in Stockholm.

All teaching end by the end of May, examinations take place in the first half of June. In the second half of June falls “Midsommar”, the most important celebration in Sweden. People celebrate the summer and life outside. Just have a look yourself:

Midsommar pole, but one of the rings fell down.

The summer is a time to relax and recharge the batteries. While many Swedish families have a summer house in a remote area, others go into the mountainous areas to get a change of tapestry. A big portion of the students use this time to do some work for earning some income for the rest of the year or conduct a paid internship at a company to gain some experience.

With august, people are coming back to work with the new semester starting usually at the end of it, hopefully well rested and full of energy.