Thank you for considering us for your professional path!
To be fair, in this day and age, the industrial request for people with competence in electric machines, drives, and power electronics is simply HUGE. We literally do not have enough people to meet all the possible project proposals and open positions that we receive from the industry. There is an evident, general lack of engineers in this profession which may turn out to be a positive thing for a student: in our experience, there is no single person who has been with us in the past that did not find a job in a matter of minutes after concluding their project at KTH. Many of them signed full-time contracts even before finishing their experience at KTH. And everyone had multiple choices.
If you are interested in knowing more about any of the positions described below, feel free to contact us for more information.
Doctoral students and post-doctoral research fellows
We would love to increase even more the number of Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers in our team. In between hope and reality, there is the money – we need to find it before announcing any vacancy.
Once the funding is secured, our vacancies always appear on the official KTH vacancy page. This is a KTH policy and we are not allowed (nor want) to hire anyone without following the official procedures. By applying to an open position on the KTH vacancy page, prospective candidates participate in a process that usually runs in two stages: a first selection of the most suitable candidates, and a round of interviews. The selected candidate is offered a position, which is regulated by KTH rules.
Keep in mind one important thing: for each vacancy that we advertise, we typically receive the résumés of approximately 70-100 people. The competition is therefore hard.
If you are interested to know more about being a Ph.D. student at KTH, please consult the KTH official page on doctoral studies.
Bachelor thesis, master thesis, and equivalent projects
Every year we supervise a good number of students for their degree projects or trainee projects (see the list of the current students affiliated with our team on the page People). We continuously have internal proposals as well as proposals in collaboration with industry, which we always advertise during the Autumn semester – the hottest period when last-year students are searching for their degree projects.
Setting up a degree or trainee project requires a few iterations with team members to ensure that the supervision (performed by one person at KTH) and the examination (performed by a distinct, second person at KTH) are in place. If the project is in collaboration with the industry, supervision from the industrial side must also be secured before proceeding.
We typically perform regular update meetings to ensure that the time plan is followed and that everything is under control. The frequency of those meetings depends on the type of project and its location (at KTH or in the industry).
On the KTH administrative side, students interested in performing a master’s degree project where an EMD member acts as examiner must include in their study plan one of the following courses (which depend on the student’s master’s program):
- EA270X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Electric Power Engineering (preferred choice!)
- EA280X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Energy Innovation
- EA238X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering
- EA248X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Embedded Systems
- DA248X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in Embedded Systems
- EA250X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering
We are pretty flexible with time plans and scheduled conclusions of the projects, which should include the delivery of a report, a presentation, and a self-assessment of the work (according to the instructions given by the school). In addition, students need to typically act as opponents of another degree-project report, as well as being active listeners in other two degree-project presentations.
Individual project courses
KTH offers the students the possibility of gaining credits through individual project courses which can be added to the student’s study plan:
- EN2911 Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy Systems I
- EN2912 Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy Systems II
If any KTH student is interested in performing a semester-based project in the EMD research field, we are open to discussing the case. Setting up the individual project usually requires only a brief iteration with some team members to ensure that the supervision (performed by one person at KTH) and the examination (performed by a distinct, second person at KTH) are in place.
Our requirement for a successful conclusion of the individual project is simple: a comprehensive report describing the work, and a final presentation to the members of the team. If any code files/design files have been generated during the project, they will also be part of the delivery.