A unified HR also becomes a stronger HR and I see new development opportunities and working methods when our department grows from 46 to 120 people. This will benefit the whole of KTH and everyone’s working environment in the long term.
In accordance with the University Director’s decision to reorganize and redeploy staff, we will now have many more people from 1 April. It feels great and I welcome new perspectives and experiences that are mixed with others where we together can get and create an overall picture of HR issues across KTH. It will generate more mobility, make HR support closer to the business and we can apply best practice on issues from the entire business. We can build HR support that is also more strategic and perhaps less purely administrative.
The conditions in the schools regarding how they work with HR are different. But through the co-organisation, we can now create a common picture and interpretation of where we are going to support KTH’s operations in the best possible way, regardless of whether it is about the work environment, labour law, travel management, personnel finances and recruitment, for example. At the same time as the support is adapted to the needs of education and research.
I would also like to point out that, as before, HR is a department and function that will also be able to work even more preventively in the future. But it is important that anyone considering a personnel issue of any kind comes to us in time – before it even becomes an issue. A lot can be solved at an earlier stage, and the timing is important. So as I said:
Welcome to HR!
Annica Fröberg, Head of Human Resources