Illustration: Nadia Campo Woytuk
We are excited to announce the CASTOR Software Days 2023 on 22 to 23 August at KTH Kista, Electrum.
Day one will be dedicated to Applications of AI, while day two will be about Future Research.
on day one include Matthias Boehm (TU Berlin) and Jim Dowling (Hopsworks and KTH). On day two, Susanne Liljeblad from Vinnova and Julie Oommen from KTH's research support office will give an overview of what kinds of funding opportunities are relevant for CASTOR, followed by a matchmaking day with presentations of problem settings/potential project ideas from the industry.
We invite all CASTOR's doctoral students to present posters. Please get in touch with
Javier Cabrera Arteaga
Mikhail Shcherbakov
for details.
For matchmaking, we want to know what kinds of challenges the industry wants to work on in the coming years. We will have a pitch session on 23 August, with posters and discussions. We aim to have project ideas and proto-consortia with Saab and Ericsson ready when new calls come out.
Non-CASTOR member companies, especially SME's, can also submit a pitch. Space is limited; please contact
Cyrille Artho
for more information.