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From PhD at KTH to CEO and co-founder at EnginZyme

Time: Thu 2021-09-23 12.15 - 13.00

Location: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Karim Engelmark Cassimjee and Per Berglund

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This year's kth alumnus, CEO and co-founder of Enginzyme Karim Engelmark Cassimjee is invited to tell about his journey from KTH to where he is today at EnginZyme. EnginZyme is a Swedish start-up that is building the most general and most efficient technology platform for chemical production that the world has ever seen, aiming to transform a $5 trillion industry and have a large impact on climate change in the process. To achieve this grand goal, EnginZyme needs to not only attract the best and brightest people in their field, but more importantly the people that is the best fit for the company. One of the most important success factors is the strong culture and people being aligned with the “Company DNA”. During this lunch seminar EnginZyme’s CEO will talk about his take on the recruitment process and what he thinks is the most important when you are looking for a future employer.

Per Berglund is Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology at KTH and he will talk about opportunities for PhD studies at KTH from a supervisor’s perspective.

Karim Engelmark Cassimjee, Alumnus of the year 2021 is an innovator and co-founder of the chemical company EnginZyme
