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Personal menu

When logged in to, the personal menu will appear on the top of pages, enabling you always to access your personal pages and features, for example Study overview and schedule.

The idea behind ​​the personal menu is that it should be easy for staff and students to access their personal features, courses, programmes and groups through

What does the Personal menu contain?

Below are presented the functions (link texts or icons) that you see in the Personal menu. web/Intranet

Under these three links you will find KTH's website, student web and intranet for various types of information.


Here are links to the courses you are registered on, both current courses and others.

Here you find links and information about all the courses you are either admitted or registered to. As a student, you’ll “Current” and “Other courses”. Courses are considered current as long if you are registered on the course round and you don’t have a final result reported on the course. Courses are shown below “Current” five days before the course starts and twenty-five days after the course end date. If you have a reported final result, the course is shown in “Other” instead. “Other” courses are also courses where the study period has ended as per above but no final result is reported.

You are also able to view if you are admitted or registered on the course. Links to course and examination rooms in Canvas will also be shown here.


You will find links and information about the programmes you are registered for here. You can access the programme room in Canvas after registering for the course the first time.

If you want to stop subscribing to a program, you can do so in the subscription settings or directly on the program page.


Here you can create your own groups and have links to groups you subscribe to. If you want to unsubscribe from a group, you can do so in the subscription settings  or on the group page.


Here you can manage your studies, find results of your completed courses, register for courses, register for written exams and download your written and graded exams. On this page you will find important ways you can administrate your studies, Administrate your studies .

There are also services, including library search and computer room services you have access to as well.

Personal menu - Manage services


Here you can view events for the full schedule and find more information on the schedule. You can also export your schedule to an external calendar (for instance your phone) from here.

More about My Schedule

More about Export My Schedule from Personal menu


In the top right corner are three icons that link to:

  1. Switch between the new and old version of the Personal menu
  2. Webmail
  3. News feed - a collection of posts, events, and edits in programmes and groups you subscribe to.
  4. Notifications, which will initially generate immediate alerts from your programme and group webs. New study results will also be shown here.

Your profile

Under your profile picture in the menu, you find "About me" section and "My settings" section. Here you will find the link to your personal profile page and setting pages including e-mail forwarding, Wi-Fi access and password change.

About profile pages at KTH

As a student at KTH, you can, if you wish, forward your e-mail to another e-mail address. However, it is not something KTH recommends. Read more about the forwarding of KTH e-mail at E-mail forward .

Mark your courses/programmes/groups as favorite

Tap the star symbol next to the name of the programme or group you want to add as favourite. Under the favourites tab, these will then be displayed.

Does the Personal menu differ if you are a student or an employee?

There are slight differences between how the menu looks for employees and students. Employees can view and select several services in the service's menu. You who are a doctoral student can see the courses where you have the role “student”. If you also teach, you still have the student view. This is something that will change in ongoing development work of the Personal menu.

Information for employees can be found on Personal menu .