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Presenter Information

All oral presentations will be held in-person at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The presentation will be held in D-building.   

  Presentation Guidelines

  • Each planned presentation is 18 minutes (15 presentation + 3 minutes questions).
  • The presentation guidelines and preferred presentation template are found below. Please read the presenter guidelines to ensure that you follow the appropriate format and instructions for the oral presentation.

Presenter Guidelines (pptx 675 kB)

Presentation Template (potx 666 kB)

  • Please upload your presentation (.pptx or .pdf) and presenter information on the submission portal by June 14, 2024. Please ensure that the file name is in the format: AbstractNumber_LastName, e.g. 111_surname.pptx. The presentations will be uploaded directly to the computer in the room. 

Upload your presentation here