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Nine doctoral candidates were recruited in ACTIVA during the beginning of 2024. The candidates are working on one scientific work package each.

Sunil Kumar Chaubey (WP 1.1)

Konstantinos Ntatsis (WP 1.2)

Faik Ozan Özhan (WP 1.3)

Faeze Mashayekhi (WP 2.1)

Sara Silva Leite (WP 2.2)

Alejandra Ramirez (WP 2.3)

Lichuan Zheng (WP 3.1)

Deepa Narasappa (WP 3.2)

Chiara Maria Mariani (WP 3.3)

The doctoral candidates were recruited and employed by the individual network partners and enrolled in the local PhD-programme. ACTIVA funds the research and training activities for 36 months for each candidate through the Horizon Europe programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions. To be eligible for a position, it was ensured that the candidate had not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting partner for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the recruitment date. The salary consists of the living, mobility, and family allowances, as set out in the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, after the reductions for overhead, social security, and taxation according to the regulations of the local network partner.

See Research projects  for more information on WP1.1-WP3.3.

Belongs to: ACTIVA
Last changed: Jul 05, 2024