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Media coverage in 2024

4 June: Ingenjören  interviews Anna Kramers and Jonas Åkerman about how we might spend our vacation in 2050.

12 April: Mistra SAMS researcher Mattias Höjer, professor of environmental and future studies, writes a debate article  in Dagens Nyheter together with Göran Finnveden, professor of environmental strategic analysis and board member of Mistra SAMS. The two researchers note that the government has a responsibility to introduce measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to create acceptance for such measures. They emphasise the seriousness of the issue, that global ecosystems may fail, that large areas will become uninhabitable if we do not mitigate climate change now, and that food production will decline. This in turn will hit the economy hard and make a rising living standard impossible.

22 March: Mistra SAMS researchers Jonas Åkerman and Mattias Höjer, together with Jörgen Larsson, policy researcher for sustainable consumption at Chalmers, write in a concluding remark  in the Svenska Dagbladet air travel tax debate that a constructive debate is needed, on how we can work together to rapidly reduce emissions so that future generations can have a reasonably decent life. And that alternatives to air travel need to be developed and the tax exemption for air travel needs to be removed.

11 March: Mistra SAMS researchers Jonas Åkerman and Mattias Höjer, together with Jörgen Larsson, policy researcher for sustainable consumption at Chalmers, published an opinion piece in Svenska Dagbladet . In order to reduce emissions quickly enough, the tax exemption for air travel should be phased out, they say.
"In this context, it is also important to remember that the possibilities and the habit of conducting digital meetings have increased significantly after the pandemic, which reduces the need for business air travel," they point out.

22 February: Jonas Åkerman explains on Swedish television SVT  why Swedes are flying less than before the pandemic:

  1. We have learned to use digital meetings and business travel remains at a lower level.
  2. The world has become more uncertain and therefore people may be less inclined to travel.
  3. There is an increased tendency to choose climate-smart alternatives.

February 7: Karolina Isaksson is interviewed by Dagens Nyheter about the Swedish infrastructure planning and how to achieve climate- and sustainability goals: "Kritik mot Trafikverkets plan – utgår från 25 procents ökning av biltrafiken"

February 5: Mistra SAMS researcher Jonas Åkerman is interviewed by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter in an article about possible reasons why Swedes are flying less than before the pandemic: "Svenskarna flyger mindre än före pandemin: 'Attityden har förändrats'"

February 2: Concluding remark by Karolina Isaksson, Jacob Witzell, Anders Roth and Håkan Johansson in the Svenska Dagbladet "Sweden needs a target for reducing car traffic"-debate: ”Det räcker inte med elektrifiering”

January 24: Karolina Isaksson and Jacob Witzell writes an opinion piece in Svenska Dagbladet together with Håkan Johansson consultant and researcher in sustainable transport at Trivector Traffic and Anders Roth mobility expert at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, "Sweden needs a target for reducing car traffic": ”Sverige behöver ett mål för minskad biltrafik”

January 22:  Malin Henriksson, Fredrik Johansson and Greger Henriksson writes an opinion piece in Aftonbladet together with several researchers who have studied every day mobility in Sweden: "Dyr kollektivtrafik gör Sverige mindre rättvist"