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The Quantum Technology Hub (QTH)

QTH strives to facilitate reserach and innovation around quantum technology in the greater Stockholm area. Our mission is to help you build collaborations across diciplines, schools, departments, universities and companies working with quantum technology. Our goal is the creation of a forum and meeting place for students, faculty and innovators, where they learn from each other and together build the future technology of the second quantum revolution.

QTH is run by an exeucitive committe with oversite from a board.

Executive committee:

Prof. David Haviland  (director)
Prof. Stefano Markidis
Prof. Mikael Fogelström


Prof. Sandra Di Rocco  (Chairwomen)
Prof. Pär Olsson
Prof. Björn Önfelt
Prof. Vladislav Korenivski
Prof. Mikael Skoglund
Dr. Gemma Val Llosera