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Project name : Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures - DEMOCRITUS
Project leader: Viktoria Fodor, KTH
Participating universities/companies/organisations: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Stockholm Vatten, WaterCentre@KTH and Ericsson/S&T
Project period: 2021–2024
Financing: Digital Futures

About the project

Democritus focuses on the water distribution systems, which exhibit many unsolved challenges of future societal systems. They will study real-time detection and mitigation of possible contamination or attacks, global decision making while observing local data privacy, as well as the integration of smart meters and similar into a largescale autonomous system.

Read more about the project here.


Henrik Sandberg
Henrik Sandberg prof., deputy head of division +4687907294 Profile