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Doctoral studies at SEED

Postgraduate education is a core part of the activities at the Department of Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering (SEED).

Most PhD students are enrolled as students in one of these subjects:

  • The specialization "Hydraulics and technical hydrology" in the subject Construction Science
  • Industrial Ecology
  • Land and Water Resources Engineering
  • Planning and Decision Analysis, with a specialization in Environmental Strategic Analysis.

SEED also have a history of welcoming PhD students working at the division, but doing their PhD at another university or in another specialisation. In those cases, the PhD studies are regulated by the rules regarding PhD studies of the respective home department.

Openings for positions as PhD students are rare, but when they exist, they are published on the KTH web site and in other appropriate places.

Typically, PhD students get their financing from research projects. Sometimes they have been involved in writing the application for the project themselves.

Are you interested in becoming a PhD student? Contact one of the main supervisors at SEED .

More about doctoral studies at KTH