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Manage notifications in web browsers

It has become increasingly common for web pages to request notifications in the web browser. Here we refer to guides that show how you handle notifications in the web browser. The guides go through Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.

Find the name of your web browser

If you are unsure of which version of the web browser you are using, follow these steps:

  1. In your browser, open the menu. The symbol is usually three dots, three dashes or a gear symbol.
  2. Open the "Help" submenu.
  3. You should now see a selection called "About [browser name]"

If you do not see the instructions for your specific version or browser, search the browser's Help menu for "Notifications".

How to managae notifications in a specific web browser

Here we refer to the browser support websites where information is updated by the provider of the specific browser.

Manage notifications in Microsoft Edge (

Manage notifications in Mozilla Firefox (

Manage notifications in Google Chrome (

Manage notifications in Safari (

If you are using a different web browser, visit the browser's support website for instructions.