"You do not have to worry that your education will be moved just like that"
THS comments on the move from Kista and Södertälje
THS comments on KTH's decision to move the operations at KTH Kista and KTH Södertälje. You as a student, can also ask questions and submit your opinions via forms, email and the program Slack.
KTH has decided that the activities at KTH Kista and KTH Södertälje will move to KTH Campus and KTH Flemingsberg. The relocations are expected to take several years but should be completed by 2027 at the latest.
Learn more: KTH's activities are concentrated on three campuses
The student union at KTH, THS, has made a written comment regarding KTH's decision to move the operations at KTH Kista and KTH Södertälje. In the statement signed by Union President Niklas Carlbaum, THS writes the following:
"This decision means that KTH will now develop a project plan for the details of the relocation that will be decided upon in February. The move will probably not be noticeable for about two years and the goal is to complete the move by the end of 2027. You do not have to worry that your education will be moved just like that; KTH still has a commitment to us students to carry out our education with high quality."
Read the full comment from THS
THS has previously collected thoughts and opinions from students via digital forms. Based on the collected material, THS writes that they request that KTH ensure that:
- adequate and sufficient number of self-study spots and the possibility to heat up and eat food on campus, are offered at KTH Campus,
- experimental environments and pedagogically designed learning environments are offered to all students,
- there will be chapter hall space for the student population from Södertälje and a new chapter hall for the IN-chapter will be added on the KTH Campus,
- an investigation into the Electrum Laboratory is being carried out together with an external party,
- there will continue to be valuable integration of industrial collaboration in education,
- students' and teachers' schedules are reasonable at an individual level despite increased occupancy rates in the classrooms at KTH Campus,
- the quality of education and research is not compromised during the transition period, which requires an efficient move and a clear project plan.
For you with questions or opinions
THS writes that they also continue to receive students' opinions via their forms. You will find the forms here:
- For those who study in Kista (Google forms)
- For those who study in Södertälje (Google forms)
- For those who study at Valhallavägen or in Flemingsberg (Google forms)
THS also has a channel in the program Slack that is open to all students, where you can ask questions about the campus review to THS management. You can find it in the THS slack by pressing Add Channels, Browse Channels and next to "kth-campus-investigation" click "join". If you do notare already in THS slack, you can join via the following link: thskth.slack.com/signup
You can also ask KTH questions by emailing info@kth.se .