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Funding for exchange studies

Exchange students don't pay tuition fees at the exchange university. However, there might be administrative fees, usually under 1000 SEK. There are often scholarships available to cover extra costs for travelling. There is great competition for all scholarships, so applications must be thoroughly prepared and adapted to the relevant organisation.

Student finance from CSN

It is possible to receive student finance for exchange studies through The Swedish Board of Student Finance, CSN. The requirements are the same as for studies in Sweden. The student grants for studies abroad is the same amount as for studies in Sweden. You can apply for a so-called supplementary loan to cover, among other things, higher living expenses and travel expenses. Information about eligability for student finance can be found on CSN's website, .

Financing opportunities in and outside Europe

Several funding options depend on whether you are going on an exchange to a university in or outside Europe. For studies in Europe, you can apply for an Erasmus scholarship to cover additional costs. For studies outside Europe, there are other scholarships. Some of KTH's schools also offer travel grants.

Click on the links below to get more information about the financing options available.

Scholarships from other organisations

There are lots of other scholarships available, however often considerable efforts are needed to identify one that suits your needs. Below are a number of links to scholarship databases and organisations that advertise scholarships.

Scholarship databases

Scholarships from organisations