All you need to know about personal branding and how to succeed in your interview process
Tid: To 2023-04-20 kl 12.15 - 13.00
Plats: KTH entré, Drottning Kristinas väg 4, second floor
Språk: English
Medverkande: Antonia Dåderman
When applying for a job, many graduates struggle with how to succeed in the interview process. Many students have similar credentials: similar courses, perhaps worked with NGOs, done an exchange semester or an internship.
How do you stand out in the interview process and how can you differentiate yourself? Antonia Dådermans solution is building your personal brand.
This lecture will provide you with inspiration and ideas on how you can build your personal brand and succeed when applying for new opportunities.

Antonia Dåderman, KTH Alumni, was awarded Female Leader Engineer in 2019. She has worked at five industrial companies within manufacturing and automotive, worked with startups in Singapore and Stockholm. She has a passion to inspire young people to pursue a future within technology.
During the lecture, she will share her keys on how to succeed in the interview process for your dream opportunity.
Free lunch sandwich for early birds!