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New Article: Media: The Case of Spain and New Spain

Adam Wickberg, researcher in our division, has published a new article together with John Durham Peters (Yale Univesity) in the esteemed journal “Critical Inquiry”, published by the University of Chicago. In “Media: The Case of Spain and New Spain” Peters and Wickberg develop the new concept of “environing media”. They are focussing on the rich … Continue reading “New Article: Media: The Case of Spain and New Spain”

Adam Wickberg and Johan Gärdebo introducing the concept of “Environing Media”

How has the relation between humans and Earth developed over the centuries? How have colonial and capitalist agendas operated globally, while the view of the planetary environment was shaped by the media? Wickberg and Gärdebo see this relation as a “profound renegotiation” which continuously is reshaped, but which definitely encountered a “fundamental shift” after 1500 … Continue reading “Adam Wickberg and Johan Gärdebo introducing the concept of “Environing Media””