About Crosscuts 2019
The theme for the festival in 2019 was “Ruptured Times” which we presented with films and discussions on the Anthropocene, social movements and decolonization, postcolonialism, gentrification and much more. We were proud to present a film retrospective and keynote by filmmaker/Professor Trinh T Minh-ha on decolonization and environmental knowledge. On stage, we had, among others, Saskia Sassen as a Guest of Honor (honorary doctorate at KTH and professor at Columbia Uni), Ann Legeby (professor at KTH), and Athena Farrokhzad (poet).
In 2019 we also introduced the Annals of Crosscuts to continue to deepen our engagement with filmic research and theory. Annals is a new peer-reviewed publication format for film-based research. The Annals of Crosscuts is developed to support the use of film and cinema as integral practices in the critical environmental humanities.
In all, more than a thousand people have visited the festival. We received a great reception, both from our specially invited guests and the audience as well as from the ABE school who supported us in 2019 and Bio Rio where the festival took place. Among our collaborators and partners are Global Media Studies and the Politics of Mediated Communication at Stockholm University and Filmhuset/Cinemateket and thereby broadening our outreach.