Södertörnsmodellen: world class urban development
Research leader: Berit Balfors
Participants: Project participants from KTH are Johan Högström, Josefine Wangel, Svante Mandell, Sara Khoskhar and Ulla Mörtberg. Project participants from the Södertörn municipalities (Huddinge, Haninge, Botkyrka, Södertälje, Nynäshamn, Tyresö, Nykvarn and Salem), White Arkitekter AB, SGBC, WSP, Skanska, Ecoloop, Nordregio, SKL International and Södertörn University are also part of the project.
Key words:
Project period: 2014-2016
Funding: Vinnova
Project description
The project ”Södertörnsmodellen: world class urban development” aims to meet the societal challenge of creating sustainable, attractive cities by ways of developing innovative forms of public participation and comprehensive stakeholder cooperation for sustainable urban development in the municipalities of Södertörn located on the outskirts of the Stockholm metropolitan region. Södertörnsmodellen is an integrated concept model to generate ideas, methods and indicators to manange the complex needs that characterize urban environments. Södertörnsmodellen aims to elaborate collectively appealing solutions for sustainable growth by generating platforms for cooperation between public and private actors, as well as citizens’ active participation. The project features 10 different “testbeds” that are linked to the municipalities’ land-use related activity. Each testbed has a corresponding idea-generation working group featuring representatives from municipalities, the construction industry, consultants and researchers with the task to develop (i) innovative solutions for sustainable, attractive urban development through comprehensive stakeholder collaboration, such as through broad package solutions for compulsory purchase/eminent domain and procurement, and other means of creating value for investment (ii) develop, test and evaluate tools for increased public participation and (iii) identify and analyse methods and indicators for sustainable urban development.
Södertörnsmodellen builds on the experiences generated within the working groups and combines platforms for comprehensive stakeholder cooperation with methods for increased public participation and tools for evidence-based decision-making support. Södertörnsmodellen is, in the long term, a public entreprise model that caters for a differentiated customer base. Internationally, the project provides a new Swedish exemplar of world-class urban development. Nationally and regionally, Södertörnsmodellen further develops and strenghtens local competence within sustainable urban development.
Södertörnsmodellen is a collaboration between KTH, the municipalities of Södertörn (Huddinge, Haninge, Botkyrka, Södertälje, Nynäshamn, Tyresö, Nykvarn och Salem), White Arkitekter AB, SGBC, WSP, Skanska, Ecoloop, Nordregio, SKL International and Södertörn University.
Link to the project webpage: www.sodertornsmodellen.se