Water and Environmental Engineering
The Division for Water and Environmental Engineering conducts research and education to increase knowledge and improve the use of natural and technical systems for managing water, land and geological resources.

By using modern laboratory, field and modelling methods, the division develops new understanding and innovative technical solutions for a more sustainable future. The pilot-scale laboratory facilities at Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre (SWIC) are used for some of the research and education.
Challenged by contemporay sustainability issues, focus is on addressing sustanability problems and opportunities with high social relevance and spreading results for both academic and applied use.
The working methods are interdisciplinary and based on collaboration with the private and public sector and stakeholders at all levels; from partners to end users. The key competencies include ecology, water and soil chemistry, hydrogeology, geology, water and wastewater technology, environmental technology, environmental and ecological economics, industrial ecology and blue growth.
The division have a large focus on first, second and third-cycle education and pedagogical development.
Research at the division of Water and Environmental Engineering
Staff at the division of Water and Environmental Engineering