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Student events and parties at KTH

Find out what conditions apply for students when organising events and parties. How to apply for a permit. The responsibilities of party coordinators and the rules concerning the serving of alcohol.

Contact Information for respective Campus

For instructions, please contact respective Campus.

KTH Kista
Karolin Södertun-Zeghbi
Group Leader Infrastructure
tel: 08-790 6765

KTH Södertälje
Jessica Matz Hammarlund
Operations Controller
tel: 08-790 9495

KTH Flemingsberg
Mikael Öhlander Kjaernes
tel: 08- 790 9995


The purpose is to specify the conditions for events and parties organised by students at KTH based on the instructions for student events and parties at KTH. There may be instructions specific to schools and campuses, and these are applied in addition to those set out here.


Application for an event

A conventional event that is expected to be attended by more than 50 people must always be preceded by an application to KTH. All gatherings at which alcohol is consumed must also be preceded by an application to KTH. Events in KTH’s school premises or premises belonging to another property owner where there is an agreement on consultation must be approved by its facility manager.

An application for an event can be downloaded from the KTH form archive for students and sent from a valid KTH address by email to; instructions are provided on the form. An application for a conventional event must be received by KTH 4 working days before the event/party, and applications for all other events must be received by KTH 15 days before the event. Late applications will be automatically rejected.

An approved form must be available to present to a security guard/KTH security on request.

Student form archive: Application for student gathering (Ansökan om sammankomst – student)

Person responsible for event or party

At each event, there must always be a person responsible on site who remains available until the last guest has left. The person responsible must strive to ensure that the event is carried out in accordance with KTH’s instructions and instructions issued by any other relevant government agency. The person responsible is a person who has completed KTH’s course on safety and fire. After the course has been completed, the student receives an appointment as party coordinator for five years. An extended appointment requires the course to be completed once more.

The person responsible must have good knowledge of the venue/location of the event, THS and the alarm organisation for both the chapter and KTH. The person responsible for the party/serving alcohol for the party or event is responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised persons are present in the venue during the period of an event, party or the serving of alcohol.

The party coordinator must, in accordance with KTH’s instructions and if the event requires it, designate all functions necessary for the event ensuing from this. The identity of the party coordinator must be clearly visually evident to guests and, where applicable to KTH, the security company’s staff and others.


The person responsible may appoint a deputy in his/her place. The deputy takes over the role and assumes responsibility for the function. The deputy must fulfil the requirement profile corresponding to the party coordinator for an event.

Serving alcohol

The serving of alcohol on KTH’s premises is conditional on an alcohol permit from the relevant municipality’s/city’s licensing unit in which the gathering takes place.

The alcohol permit must be stored visibly in the chapter’s premises. Regardless of whether a permanent alcohol permit has been issued or a temporary alcohol permit is being applied for, the serving of alcohol on KTH’s premises must be preceded by a conventional application to KTH. In particular, note that the room must be emptied 30 minutes after end of the time for serving alcohol and must not be accessed during the following hour.

Person responsible for the serving of alcohol

The person responsible for the serving of alcohol is a student who has completed the course “Responsible serving of alcohol” (STAD) successfully and is registered with the licensing unit. The course is carried out by KTH in collaboration with the City of Stockholm’s licensing unit, student health service and others. The course provides mandate for students to have the role of responsible for serving for 5 years, extended mandate is obtained only after renewed course participation.

When alcohol is being served, there must always be a person responsible for the serving of alcohol on site. The person with ultimate responsibility for the serving of alcohol and the permit holder is the Chair of the chapter.

The person responsible for the serving of alcohol must make sure that all serving of alcohol is carried out in accordance with current legislation, the relevant municipality’s/city’s guidelines for the serving of alcohol and KTH’s instructions.

The number of guests, the theme and the layout of the venue determine the appropriateness of the person responsible for the serving of alcohol being burdened with additional functions, e.g. party coordinator and fire safety officer. The person responsible for the serving of alcohol must have good supervision of the area where alcohol is being served.

Alcohol permit, temporary and temporarily extended alcohol permit

The licensing unit makes a decision on an alcohol permit, and the chapter must follow the instructions ensuing from this decision. The alcohol permit must be kept available in the venue and be presented on request. For the serving of alcohol outside the permanent alcohol permit, an application for an extended alcohol permit may be submitted to the licensing unit. Please note that special conditions in force through the permanent alcohol permit are mandatory.

A temporary alcohol permit must be applied for in respect of a venue where there is no permanent alcohol permit and is valid for the occasion in question.

A temporarily extended alcohol permit can be applied for in respect of chapter premises with a permanent alcohol permit. A temporarily extended alcohol permit can be applied for in respect of an extended serving area or extended number of people. When applying for an extended serving area, the serving area must be depicted on a drawing. An extended number of people must be specified with a guest list of individual persons and the name of the party/group in a homogenous party. When applying for extended serving, KTH’s permit must be attached to the application to the licensing unit.

Temporary and temporarily extended permits can normally be applied for up to ten times/year for each chapter. The normal processing time at the licensing unit is 8-10 days.

An application for a temporary or temporarily extended alcohol permit is submitted via KTH’s security group. The application is examined and KTH’s security group or administrators acting on their behalf issue the permit. Applications must be submitted 15 working days before an event/party. Once KTH has given its approval, the application can be submitted to the licensing unit; KTH’s approval must be attached to the application.

Serving area

The serving area specifies the area where alcohol may be consumed and stored, and this is also the area that requires a permit. Only serving staff and the guests/attendees specified in the alcohol permit may be present within the serving area.

No alcohol is permitted outside the serving area. The serving of alcohol is not permitted in or adjacent to the entrance, toilet or cloakroom.

Student events on KTH’s premises

The THS chapter or association is referred to the relevant chapter premises for events and parties.

See also:
Outdoor events and parties
Safety and systematic fire safety work when organising an event