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Video tutorials about study techniques

Björn Liljeqvist lectures on study techniques and has recorded a series of videos on study techniques with different themes. For example, you can learn how to read course literature, how to build good study habits and different memory techniques.

The videos on study technique tips are available on KTH Play and you need to log in with your KTH account to watch them.

Watch all videos on KTH Play

Lecturer Björn Liljeqvist reading a book while leaning against a bookshelf filled with books

1. Introduction

What are study skills? How do you learn more in a given time? This video is an overview on study skills. We talk about different types of knowledge, reading skills, how to build good study habits and use your time efficiently.

Three types of study sessions

Most study techniques belong in one of three categories:
Before: Overview, preview, planning.
During: Active learning.
After: Repetition and reflection.

3. How to read course literature

Reading academic literature isn't like reading fiction. We need to read course books in several steps or stages. We start by familiarising ourselves, then we go into the details.

4. Get it done: Building habits and routines

Study skills are not just about learning, it's also about studying regularly without putting things off for tomorrow. What techniques can you use to build regular habits and avoid procrastination?

5. Problem solving

To study mathematics or technical courses is a bit different since a lot of the knowledge is about applied problem solving, in addition to theoretical understanding. This is a practical skill, which we have to approach in the right way.

6. How to remember what you learn

Memory is not a fixed quantity. We can improve our memory power by using well known strategies. Clever association techniques combined with good repetition strategies makes all the difference.

Do you have any questions about study technique?

You can contact your program study counselor if you want help developing your study technique.

Study and career counselling