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Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions

KTH has two main assignments regarding gender equality, diversity and equal conditions (JML at KTH). The first mission comes from the Discrimination Act and the work with active measures against discrimination. The other is the government's mission about gender mainstreaming in higher education institutions which requires KTH to have a plan for its work with gender mainstreaming. KTH also has goals of its own and steering documents that set KTH's JML agenda, such as KTH's goals and Vision 2024-2028 and KTH's Ethical Policy.


The most important points in the Discrimination Act from a student perspective are:

  • The purpose of the legislation is to counteract discrimination and in other ways promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
  • According to the Discrimination Act, higher education institutions are required to work proactively to prevent harassment. They must also promote equal rights for students and applicants through active measures.
  • KTH is also required to investigate if there are any suspicions of discrimination or harassment.

Information about discrimination and the grounds for discrimination in general on the Equality Ombudsman’s (DO) website

Gender mainstreaming in institutions of higher education (JiHU)

The government mission JiHU states that higher education institutions shall contribute to attaining the national gender equality policy goals. The mission infers that KTH shall integrate a gender equality perspective in all its operations and identify development needs, goals and activities for achieving this. Measures and results are accounted for in the institution's annual reports. Since 2018 higher education institutions shall also account for how they take gender equality into account when dividing research funding.

The national gender equality policy goals (Swedish Gender Equality Agency website)

Plan for continued work for a gender equal KTH (KTH Intranet)

Equal education (Swedish Gender Equality Agency website)