Travel reports
Take part in KTH students' field studies experiences in low- or middle-income countries. On this page, you will find travel reports from students who have taken part in field studies.
Study year 2023-2024
- Armenia, Meimei Montan (Architecture 120 hp) (pdf 1.1 MB)
- Bangladesh, Sean Meyer (Sustainable Urban Planning and Design 120 hp) (pdf 3.2 MB)
- Bangladesh, Shimanto Goswami (Sustainable Urban Planning and Design 120 hp) (pdf 3.4 MB)
- Brazil, Domenique Silverstolpe (Chemical Engineering for Energy and Environment 120 hp) (pdf 160 kB)
- Brazil, Filip Mellin (Chemical Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 335 kB)
- Brazil, Lena Westerlund Xie (Chemical Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 101 kB)
- Dominican Republic, Mirabelle Scholten (Sustainable Energy Engineering 120 hp) (pdf 124 kB)
- Fiji, Andrea Robling & Olle Båvegård (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 986 kB)
- Fiji, Gauri Salunkhe (Sustainable Technology 120 hp) (pdf 1.2 MB)
- Grenada, Hanna Sennerö (Design and Product Realisation 300 hp) (pdf 4.8 MB)
- Grenada, Tilda Björklund (Design and Product Realisation 300 hp) (pdf 77 kB)
- India, Johan Olsson Fagerberg (Engineering Physics 300 hp). (pdf 1.3 MB)
- Indonesia, Anton Johansson, Ellen Edvinsson & Nathalie Haghshenas (Industrial Engineering and Manage (pdf 1.1 MB)
- Kenya, Alex Stackegård, Ragna Ivarsson & Sara Berg (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 121 kB)
- Mauritius, Amanda Skålberg (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 1.9 MB)
- Mauritius, Henrik Oksanen (Indutrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 128 kB)
- Nepal, Andrea Kron (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 1.4 MB)
- Nepal, Linn Bogren (Engineering Physics 300 hp) (pdf 6.3 MB)
- Nepal, Naomi Mare (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 943 kB)
- South Africa, Ludvig Nordling & Fredrik Marmolin (Integrated Product Design 120 hp) (pdf 1.3 MB)
- Tanzania, Victor Oldensand (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 601 kB)
Travel reports from previous years
Follow these links to find travel reports from previous years.