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On this page, the course coordinator or examiner will publish course analyses with course data for a course offering. When the course analysis has been published, the course data, the course memo, and the course syllabus are displayed. All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.

The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, etc. can use the page as support in course development.


Spring 2024-60686 ( Start date 18 Mar 2024, English )

Course syllabus IH2657 ( Spring 2022 - )Course memo IH2657 Spring 2024-60686Course analysis: 13 Jun 2024
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Gunnar Malm

Gunnar Malm


LAB1 (3.0) P, F

TEN1 (4.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

60 % *

The course was given in the same format. Experimental labs were planned but had to be omitted due to lack of suitable assistants. No active PhD students at the division could be assigned due to other teaching duties this academic year. The examination preparations had been significantly clarified compared to previous years. The exam format changes worked out well. Students had better chances to prepare, using the clearer instructions.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

13 Jun 2024

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


Spring 2023-60386 ( Start date 20 Mar 2023, English )

Course syllabus IH2657 ( Spring 2022 - )Course memo IH2657 Spring 2023-60386Course analysis: 5 Jun 2024
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Gunnar Malm

Gunnar Malm


LAB1 (3.0) P, F

TEN1 (4.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

100 % *

Slightly refined the topics that were a little broad by removing circuit level concepts such as ASIC/FPGA. Change of written to oral examination.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

5 Jun 2024

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.


Spring 2021-1 ( Start date 22/03/2021, English )

Course syllabus IH2657 ( Spring 2019 - Autumn 2021 )Course memo IH2657 Spring 2021-60738Course analysis: 30 Jun 2021
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Carl-Mikael Zetterling

Carl-Mikael Zetterling


ANN1 (7.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

76.5 % *

New textbook.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

No information inserted

Published first time

30 Jun 2021

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.