Senaste enkät från GitHub - OCTOVERSE
(Octoverse is the annual survey that GitHub conducts among its developers to take the pulse of the community
What is Octoverse? Every year, The State of the Octoverse analyzes data from millions of developers and repositories to share trends across working habits, productivity, and overall career satisfaction.)
Idag kom följande rapport från GitHub i min inkorg, brevet citeras nedan.
Intressant att de lyfter fram följande tre aspekter
- "Snabbare och bättre kodutveckling" (klart att de tar upp detta ;-)
- "Skapa kod-dokumentation för att stödja utvecklare" (wow, en av mina käpphästar, systemdokumentation :-0)
- "Hållbart sammarbete - GitHub" (japp, tillsammans blir man starkare :-)
OBS! Var källkritisk. GitHub ägs numera av Microsoft så rapporten blir ju också en slags reklam utöver att innehållet är intressant. Det finns ju alternativ till GitHub.
Mycket av innehållet i rapporten berörs i kurser i vårt program TIDAB. Ta gärna med reflektioner och idéer till bl a kursen II1302 "Projekt och projektmetoder" och examensarbetet.
mvh Anders
As 2021 winds down, you’re probably spending more time reflecting and using the lessons you’ve learned to prepare for 2022. While doing so, take a read through our 2021 State of the Octoverse—it’s full of data and tips on shipping code faster, improving documentation, and sustaining developer communities. Whether you work on a small open source project team or are part of a large enterprise, you’ll come away with tips and ideas for the new year.
We’ve also taken a new approach to our research this year. By combining telemetry from 4 million repositories and survey responses from over 40,000 developers, we provide predictive results and tips for improving productivity.
Preview some of the findings, or click through each sub-report to dive deeper:
Become a more efficient developer
Teams and developers who use automation to write and deploy code perform 27% better in open source and 43% better at work. These groups also report higher levels of fulfillment.
Improve documentation, improve performance
Developers experience a 55% increase in productivity with good documentation. READMEs, issues, and thoughtful guidelines all contribute to quality documentation. Enterprises can also adopt similar practices by building out robust internal documentation and innersource communities.
Build trust for healthy communities
Teams who report high levels of trust are 2X more likely to have a healthy collaborative culture within companies, and 3X more in open source communities. Codes of content, contribution guidelines, Good First Issues, and respectful dialogue in GitHub Discussions signal safety and drive trust.
Read the sustainable communities report
These stats only scratch the surface of this year’s research. Head over to the full report so you can drive productivity for yourself and the teams you work with now and into 2022.