About the Degree Project for master

Here are some information on what the process for the degree project course looks like and what you need to do as a student. Many of you haven’t got any information in Canvas yet, due to some technical issues and if you don’t, let us know (master-kista@kth.se) It’s important that your KTH-email is registered in Ladok, if it’s not you won’t be able to upload any documents in Canvas.


  1. When you have minimum 60 credits completed including the Research Methodology course, make sure to get your Degree application form https://www.kth.se/social/files/582ad306f276544d538df47d/UT-EXAR%20Ans%C3%B6kan%20om%20examensarbete%202016-11-14.pdf signed and stamped on the first page by your master coordinator.


  1. 10 December, deadline to upload your draft of your Project Proposal in Canvas and to get the possibility to get assistance to find an examiner.


  1. 15 January, deadline for the final Project proposal to be uploaded in Canvas including the whole form (page 1 + 2) even if you have found and examiner on your own.


  1. 15 – 30 January, when the whole form (page 1+2) is filled in and signed by the examiner, you also need to drop it a.s.a.p. in the white mailbox outside the Drop-in office next to the Service Center in Kista. After that you will be admitted and registered to the course code stated in the form.


Please spread this information to your fellow students.