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Version skapad av Magnus Andersson 2018-05-15 10:08

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The Engineering Physics programme is a broad educational programme where you can specialise into a number of different fields of physics. The programme is designed to give you a large freedom to create your own profile within physics. There are only two mandatory courses for all students within the programme, and they are usually taken during year 2 of the programme. These courses are:


Within each track, you must take 2 mandatory track courses and a minimum of 25 credits from a list of conditionally elective courses. This ensures that you will reach a sufficient depth in your studies to be eligible for a master thesis course within your track. The programme has 5 tracks, where each track can lead to several specialisations. The tracks are:

Theoretical physics (TFYA)

Subatomic & astrophysics (TFYB)

Optical physics (TFYC)

Nanophysics (TFYD)

Biomedical physics (TFYE)