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Lunchseminarium om utlandsstudier i Latinamerika

Är du intresserad av att åka till Latinamerika som en del av dina studier? Under det här lunchseminariet får du grundläggande och praktisk information om utlandsstudier där, exempelvis om säkerheten, språk och möjligheten till studier och exjobb.

Tid: On 2021-12-08 kl 12.15 - 13.00

Plats: Zoom

Språk: English

Medverkande: Hans Lundin & Magnus Lindqvist, KTH International Relations Office

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Detta lunchseminarium ges på engelska.

Focus Latin America

Are you interested in going to Latin America as part of your studies? Latin America is a large and diverse cultural region. From a broader thematic perspective Latin America spans a broad range of topics related to both conflict and poverty challenges, and high-tech industrial performance, R&D development and cutting edge research.

KTH offers you the opportunity to study one or two semesters at one of our well-recognised partner universities in the region. We also have a broad network and experience of research and thesis work within industry, academia and public agencies in that continent. Meet KTH Staff with great knowledge of Latin America and former KTH students that have done MFS studies and studied as exchange students. Some topics and questions covered:

How about

  • the language, do I need to speak Spanish?
  • security, is it safe to go there?
  • our partner universities?
  • ideas and inspiration for thesis work?