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Meet KTH Innovation

Welcome to a lunch seminar with KTH Innovation! See what opportunities you have to bring your ideas to life at KTH and learn about entrepreneurship as a potential career path.

Tid: Ti 2023-02-28 kl 12.15 - 13.00

Plats: KTH entré, second floor

Språk: English

Medverkande: KTH Innovation

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The things you learn at KTH can contribute to creative solutions to society's challenges. As a student at KTH, you can get support from KTH Innovation. We help you who are passionate about new ideas to get the best possible conditions for success.

At this lunch seminar, you will meet Tom Magnergård, a KTH alumni who is now working as business coach at KTH Innovation. Before coming back to KTH, Tom founded the company Activio, a company that helps you measure your performance while working out. You will also meet a team of KTH students who are currently developing their ideas with support from KTH Innovation.

Find out what opportunities you have as a student or researcher here at KTH, and learn more about entrepreneurship as a career path.

Free lunch sandwich for early birds!
