Driving fossil-free industry with next-gen nuclear energy
Professor Pär Olsson leads KTH's strategic initiative in nuclear technology. Photo: Jon Lindhe Published Dec 06, 2024KTH researchers are working to help heavy industry transition to fossil-free operations. A new initiative in nuclear technology focuses on next-generation reactors to provide efficient electricity and...
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Marta-Lena Antti in SUNRISE at LTU elected to the Royal Swedish Academcy of Engineering
Published Dec 06, 2024Marta-Lena Antti, Professor of Engineering Materials, has been elected to IVA's Division of Mining and Materials. Per Erik Eriksson, Professor of Construction Management and Engineering, has been elec...
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Minister underlines KTH's role in green transition
Minister of Education Johan Pehrson on a visit to KTH with Anders Söderholm, President, on the right and Sofia Ritzen, Dean of Faculty, in the middle. Published Nov 05, 2024"KTH is the pride of Sweden, with impressive activities and a clear focus on the future." This is what Education Minister Johan Pehrson said during a visit to KTH, when he got a taste of KTH's energy...
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Jens Hardell in SUNRISE named Supervisor of the Year at LTU
Published Nov 04, 2024Jens Hardell, Professor of Machine Elements at Luleå University of Technology, has been named Supervisor of the Year 2024. The award, presented by the Student Union and the doctoral student section, i...
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Second double slam for SUNRISE students at the Sigvard Eklund Prize ceremony
Prize winners Published Oct 15, 2024Big congratulations to Dr. Ebrahim Mansouri, Ida Andersson Neretnieks, and Jonas Planck for winning the Sigvard Eklund Prize for the best PhD thesis (Ebrahim) and best BSc thesis (Ida and Jonas) in Nu...
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SUNRISE: Poster winning award at ICONE-31
Published Sep 16, 2024PhD Student Kin Wing Wong Wins Best Poster Award at the 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering.
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SUNRISE partner Blykalla achieves milestone in private investment with additional 160 MSEK and welco
Published Sep 10, 2024Blykalla announces the expansion of its Series A round, now amounting to a total of 160 mSEK. The extension is led by Danish entrepreneur Joachim Ante’s investment firm 92 Ventures and Swiss Daniel S....
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TV4 Interview with the KTH Nuclear Fuel Lab
Published Sep 09, 2024Read the article -
Science Festival in Gothenburg
Published Apr 29, 2024PhD students from the SUNRISE Project participated in the science festival in Gothenburg (Vetenskapsfestivalen)
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Attending the TMS2024 conference in Orlando
Published Mar 29, 2024Members of SUNRISE attended the TMS2024 conference in Orlando, Florida.
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Visiting Robert Harrison at The University of Manchester
Published Dec 18, 2023Elina Charatsidou and Pär Olsson visited Robert Harrison at The University of Manchester and the team working with uranium nitride (UN) fuel development to establish collaboration with them and SUNRIS...
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The first General Assembly of SUNRISE
Published Dec 15, 2023Just completed the last SUNRISE workshop of 2023 with the presentation of the first general assembly of SUNRISE. All the PhD students of each work package got the opportunity to present their latest u...
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French-Swedish business summit in Paris
Published Dec 11, 2023Professor Pär Olsson was invited to talk during the panel session at the French-Swedish business summit in Paris, discussing the topic of increasing competence in the nuclear field.
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SUNRISE: Award-Winning Poster at the KTH Energy Dialogue 2023
Published Dec 01, 2023On November 30th, the SUNRISE Centre participated in the KTH Energy Dialogue 2023 conference at KTH, where researchers and professionals from a wide range of scientific fields gathered to exchange ins...
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SUNRISE Representation at the NuFuel 2023 Conference in Marseille, France
Published Oct 25, 2023Read the article -
SUNRISE PhD Students Illuminate Nuclear Power Exhibition at Tekniska Museet
Published Oct 16, 2023SUNRISE PhD students Elina Charatsidou, Fredrik Dehlin, Christopher Petersson, along with Dr. Faris B. Sweidan, were in the spotlight at the nuclear power exhibition during Event på Tekniska Museet.
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Uranium nitride synthesis from UF6
Published Oct 09, 2023In October 2023, KTH succeeded in producing UN directly from UF6 using a gas-gas reaction with ammonia in the nuclear fuel lab.
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Double slam for SUNRISE in the 2023 Sigvard Eklund Prize
Published Oct 05, 2023Gabriela Lapinska, who worked on her MSc thesis project in SUNRISE WP2 with supervision by Faris Sweidan, Christopher Petersson and Pär Olsson, won the Sigvard Eklund Prize for best MSc thesis in 2023...
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SUNRISE Sparks Innovation and Dialogue at French-Swedish Research Days Conference
Published Sep 19, 2023In a groundbreaking presence at the French-Swedish Research Days Conference hosted at the prestigious KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SUNRISE took center stage in shaping the discourse on the futur...
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SUNRISE Centre representation at the 34th Annual Conference of the Mexican Nuclear Society
Published Aug 22, 2023Read the article