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  • "It's like the periodic table of the body"

    On the 20th anniversary of the Human Protein Atlas Project, KTH Professor Mathias Uhlén reflects on the journey of this massive database for understanding human biology and helping researchers develop precision medicine.

  • Unveiling of Cell Atlas points to new understanding of health and disease

    Researchers from Science for Life Laboratory at KTH have achieved another significant milestone in the wake of the completion of the human genome in 2001. At the 2016 American Society of Cell Biology Meeting in San Francisco earlier this month, they presented the Cell Atlas, an open-access interactive database with unparalleled high-resolution images which visualizes for the first time the location of more than 12,000 proteins in cells.

  • First major analysis of Human Protein Atlas published

    A research article published today in Science presents the first major analysis based on the Human Protein Atlas, including a detailed picture of the proteins that are linked to cancer, the number of proteins present in the bloodstream, and the targets for all approved drugs on the market.

  • Study may improve understanding of MS

    A group of proteins identified by researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology could play a role in helping multiple sclerosis patients get more accurate diagnostics about the severity and progress of their disease.