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Study Abroad Programme, SAP

SAP is a tuition-based programme for non-European students. The progamme allows students to take part in selected course packages at KTH. Each course package is given during one semester, and consists of a selected number of courses in a designated area of study. This offers students a unique opportunity to specialize their studies within a topic of interest, while studying courses from Sweden’s most prestigious technical university in the heart of Stockholm.

Who can become a SAP student?

The SAP is open to students at universities that hold a formal exchange or cooperation agreement with KTH. As a student you will have to select one of the five course packages offered. The course packages have a set study plan consisting of a number of courses.

As a student you should check both the general admission requirements such as levels for English proficiency etc. as well as the specific requirements provided in the information for each course package.

Admission requirements

Courses packages offered

Structure of studies at KTH and SAP

A semester at KTH consists of a number of courses, usually three or four. Each course involves lectures, seminars, laboratory work, group projects and individual studies. Hands-on experience is regarded as an important element of learning and therefore laboratory sessions constitute an essential part of studies at KTH. Through course work and in daily life, students explore their own ideas and apply them in collaboration with others from around the world. Researchers welcome new thoughts from younger students, and the curriculum is focused on personal development as well as knowledge. In both academic and business settings there is little hierarchy, and students, professors and colleagues address eachother by first name.

KTH uses a credit system where one week of full time study (40 hours including lectures, individual studies, etc.) is 1,5 credit (högskolepoäng). One academic year equals two semesters. Swedish credits are equivalent to European ECTS credits, in which 60 ECTS credits correspond to the workload of one full-time academic year, normally 1500-1800 hours.

The SAP consists of a compiled course package that covers one semester, approximately 30 ECTS.

Each semester is divided in two study periods (Period 1 and Period 2). Your overall course grade is determined by written or oral examinations that are taken twice a semester, after the termination of each period. Exercises and laboratory work may also form part of an examination. If you fail an examination, there will be a second chance at the end of each semester.

Academic calendar

Student life

Being a KTH student is more than just studies. It is also about personal development. By choosing KTH, you will get access to a vibrant student life in a beautiful setting with world-class facilities and extensive student service. Student life at KTH combines the best of a dynamic and prestigious academic environment with all of what Stockholm can offer in terms of culture, natural beauty, entrepreneurial spirit and strong industry infrastructure.

The following additional services are offered to fee-paying students who are studying a minimum of 30 credits per semester at KTH.

  • Guaranteed housing from KTH Accommodation during their study period.
  • Comprehensive insurance from Kammarkollegiet, FAS+,  during their studies at KTH
  • A pre-sessional course in Englishoffered during three weeks in August, free of charge.

Residence permit

These courses are only open to international students from a non-EU/EEA country. Note that for non-EU/EEA students to be able to apply for and be granted a Swedish Residence permit, students must be admitted to a minimum of 30 ECTS credits per semester. The SAP course packages offered consist of at least 30 ECTS.