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Muhammad comes from Indonesia. Previously, he earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2014. He enjoys nature by hiking or jogging and Stockholm is a perfect place for him to do it, besides playing football and badminton for exercise.

Ask Muhammad a question

Why did you choose this master's programme at KTH?

I chose to study Railway Engineering since I wanted to explore and gain more knowledge in railway systems and management. Previously, I’ve been working in the railway industry for 5,5 years with a kind of autodidact method. This program, which only a few universities offer, where KTH as one of the best technical schools is included, will hopefully give me a better understanding of railway aspects and help me connect many dots from my previous work experience. I believe studying at KTH will be a catalyst and booster to becoming a railway expert in the future.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

It is a big difference for me. At KTH, every semester is divided into 2 periods where only 3 or 4 courses are to be studied in every period, whereas previously I can study 6-8 courses simultaneously during one semester. This has helped me stay focused on the lessons during every period and makes it easier for me to understand the lessons. 

What are the best aspects of your programme?

The best aspect is that we are learning railway engineering as one package. The vehicle, the infrastructure systems, and the railway management. It gives us a broad point of view to understand the railway as a whole system but still can-do deep learning at the point of our interest so that we can improve and do innovation. It will help me a lot to be a ‘T-shape’ or even ‘π-shape in the railway industry.

In addition, most of the projects are done in groups. It gives me the benefit to understand other's points of view from different backgrounds in the discussion, besides the lecture from our teacher.

Have you chosen a specialization track within the program?

Not yet, but currently, my interest is in the aspects of interface systems between rail vehicles and the infrastructure of signaling systems. This interface is critical to the future of railway operation, which slowly but surely means most railways worldwide will be operated automatically instead of manually.

Moreover, this is another area in which my country does not have qualified experts, which is where I hope to fill the void. I also have an interest in railway management, as I want to improve and solve problems for a sustainable railway in the future.

How is student life in Stockholm?

It has been 8 years since I was a student. Currently, it comes along with living abroad, far from home and family. The first couple of weeks were a bit difficult for me, but after that, I was able to adjust and get used to it. Taking in the beauty of the city and the beautiful nature that surrounds it helps me a lot. This will likely be one of the most memorable moments of my life. This is also a relatively quiet city, not very noisy, and people are very friendly and helpful, giving me a calm and peaceful feeling, making me fall in love with it already.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

It goes quite well so far. I feel connected with my colleagues in railway engineering, though it's not a big number, we are very compact. We help each other, share information, and are very diverse from different countries so we can learn about many cultures as well. More gratefully, the pandemic is over so we can have an offline class where there are interaction and discussion between teacher and student, and it feels great for me.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

Studying at KTH will be a life-changing experience. You must try if the opportunity is available. Sweden, but especially KTH, offers a top-notch quality education system that encourages the best of us to acquire knowledge. Living in Sweden will also help you to include sustainability practices in your daily lives, to be more efficient, and enjoy your life more by finding a work-life balance. I have no regrets about moving and studying here.

What do you see as the most significant aspects in your programme?

Railway engineering combines mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering with transportation and architecture. This unique combination with the railway always in mind helps to understand all aspects of the rail system and their correlation. There is a huge innovation potential waiting for us. The railway sector needs new people to improve the system, especially in times of urbanization and climate change.

What do you want to do after you have received your degree here at KTH?

In the future, I envision myself as a railway expert. By becoming one, I can significantly contribute to sustainable cities and climate action, achieving the SDG goals and helping the railway and public transport sector to be more efficient and effective.