The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letter, founded in 1742, is a learned society composed of elected members. In March the Academy elected Sverker as corresponding member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Class. The task of the Academy is to strengthen the position of scholarship in Denmark and further inter-disciplinary understanding. The Royal … Continue reading “Sverker Sörlin Corresponding Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters”
Join us for a joyous celebration of the Environmental Humanities Laboratory’s past decade of activities and the launch of its new start as a KTH centre. The afternoon will consist of recapping the many activities of the EHL since its start in 2011/2012 under the leadership of Director Marco Armiero (“Wasteocene“) and hosting a roundtable … Continue reading “Save the Date: The EHL becomes a KTH centre!”
Did you miss Rob Nixon and the Archipelago Lecture on November 10th? No worries! The recording is now up and can be watched below, with or without subtitles. Abstract Why have millions of readers and viewers become magnetized by the hitherto arcane field of plant communication? Since the great recession of 2008, we have witnessed … Continue reading “Watch now! The Less Selfish Gene – Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of Life”
The Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University and the Rizoma platform are inviting everyone to an Open Lecture. There, our division’s postdoctoral researcher Nuno Da Silva Marques, affiliated with the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory, is going to talk about and discuss the transcultural role of ecopoetry. Ecopoetry is a genre for peace, … Continue reading “Ecopoetry for Just Futures: Transcultural Poetic Practices in the Anthropocenes”
The Stockholm Archipelago Lectures are part of the public activities of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory and have been since 2012. It was initiated as an event that marks the presence of the EHL at the KTH Campus. This Monday we look forward to our 10th lecture by looking back in time, finishing off with … Continue reading “Ten Stockholm Archipelago Lectures”
Friday October 1, it is time for Irma Allen to defend her thesis Dirty coal – Industrial populism as purification in Poland’s mining heartland. The defence is open for the public by registration, and will happen on zoom. Find link to registration below, as well as the thesis abstract! Time: Fri 2021-10-01 16.00 Subject area: History of … Continue reading “Defence Coming up: Dirty coal – Industrial Populism as Purification in Poland’s Mining Heartland”
This week the Environmental Humanities Laboratory at the division is hosting the long-awaited STREAMS-Conference (STREAMS-Transformative Environmental Humanities) digitally in Stockholm. We are delighted that despite all the problems the organising committee had encountered during the Covid-19-pandemic the conference can finally take place – albeit only in a virtual format. The team has put together … Continue reading “STREAMS coming up this week!”