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Watch now! The Less Selfish Gene – Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of Life

Did you miss Rob Nixon and the Archipelago Lecture on November 10th? No worries! The recording is now up and can be watched below, with or without subtitles. Abstract Why have millions of readers and viewers become magnetized by the hitherto arcane field of plant communication? Since the great recession of 2008, we have witnessed … Continue reading “Watch now! The Less Selfish Gene – Forest Altruism, Neoliberalism, and the Tree of Life”

Ten Stockholm Archipelago Lectures

The Stockholm Archipelago Lectures are part of the public activities of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory and have been since 2012. It was initiated as an event that marks the presence of the EHL at the KTH Campus. This Monday we look forward to our 10th lecture by looking back in time, finishing off with … Continue reading “Ten Stockholm Archipelago Lectures”