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The EHL aims to fully integrate education and research so that each informs the other. This makes teaching a key part of all of our work, and we look to educate and connect with students on all levels.

Undergraduate education

We offer courses to both enrolled KTH students and external students. Undergraduate education in the EHL reflects the new knowledge derived from research in the EHL. Our courses are integrated into the total offering from the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment and affiliated departments. Undergraduate students will be invited to work in close contact with research. Our undergraduate courses also seek to:

  • Assist in building new integrated programs at the undergraduate and master's level
  • Be of relevance for students interested in environmental humanities in all universities
  • Integrate elements from the humanities in KTH technology programmes

Doctoral student training

Doctoral student training at the EHL integrates research and teaching. Students are enrolled in the Division of History's doctoral programme, Historical Studies of Science, Technology, and Environment, participate in research projects, and work closely with supervisors.

Doctoral positions are usually connected to larger funded projects within the Lab and the Division of History. Students are guaranteed four to five years of funding and are considered KTH employees. For this reason, recruitment is a formal process, and available positions are advertised on the KTH at Work website.

Belongs to: KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory
Last changed: Sep 02, 2024