Seminar: Urban systems science - from theory to applications
Seminar by Professor Brian Deal, Urban and Regional Planing, University of Illinois, USA
Time: May 11, 14:00-15:30
Place: Sal V1, Teknikringen 76
KTH and University of Illinois are strategic academic partners. B. Deal has been collaborating with KTH ABE School since this partnership was established 2012 on issues of regional planning and specifically on the role of models. Recently, a collaborative project has been completed on the development of an online open tool iLEAM (I-internet, LEAM=Land Evolution Assessment Model), based on an earlier version LEAM that B. Deal developed and applied with colleagues during 2000-2010. LEAM incorporates an advanced economic model, physical planning and transportation. Main challenges of iLEAM have lately been to incorporate new and important aspects of water and green infrastructure management with particular reference to adaptation, ecosystem services and energy. The application of iLEAM is currently being developed in cooperation between KTH, Stockholm University and TRF (Stockholm County Council) for the Stockholm region. Within KTH, several divisions within the ABE school are involved, including the Division of Land and Water Resources Engineering and the Environmental Management and Assessment research group .
An abstract of the seminar can be found here (pdf 69 kB) .
More information can be found at the the KTH LEAM Stockholm webpage , as well as the newly launched iLEAM webpage !
Mats Wilhelmsson
Ulla Mörtberg
Vladimir Cvetkovic