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Rules for Computer, Network and System Facilities

Before you get access to KTH IT-Support computer system, you must accept terms and conditions and sign a copy of the rules for computer, network and system facilities.

To be eligible to check out a computer account users must first approve the KTH terms and conditions regarding the usage of computers, network, and system resources. It could be signed digitally during the KTH Account activation.

The content of the Rules for Computer, Network and System Facilities:

KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) Rules for computer, network and system facilities

Computing facilities, networks and accounts are the property of KTH, and are run by KTH to be used in the activities and operations of KTH. Other activities, such as non-educational development, are only permissible when;

  • regular use is not disturbed
  • the activities do not violate these rules
  • the activities do not violate KTH's general instructions or specific directions, SUNET's rules or any applicable laws.

KTH disclaims responsibility for the functioning or availability of the computing facilities. KTH reserves the right to limit the possibilities of publishing and distributing material with the use of KTH facilities. For the purposes of these rules a user is a person who has been allotted an account, as well as any other person that has received permission to use KTH's computing facilities.

The following paragraphs apply to users activities

  • An account and through it allotted resources may only be used by authorized account holders.
  • The password for an account must be kept secret. Detailed information regarding password rules can be found on KTH Account  page.
  • The account is limited in time and will be closed when the holder's studies, employment or other connection with KTH comes to an end.
  • Use of facilities or services for commercial purposes is prohibited unless agreed otherwise.
  • Sabotage or other damaging or disruptive activities directed against the facilities or other users, unauthorized access or attempts to gain unauthorized access, on local as well as on systems outside KTH's is prohibited.
  • Exploitation of defective configurations, program errors or any other method to secure a higher level of privilege than authorized is prohibited.
  • Only in cases where it is clearly stated that materials may be disseminated is copying and distribution permitted. Material protected by copyright may only be copied and distributed after permission has been received from the right holder.
  • A user that detects violations of these rules, such as illegal activities, errors or flaws in the systems or any other irregularities or problems shall report this within reasonable time to the responsible system manager.

Sanctions and enforcement

  • System managers shall, within their field of responsibility, report any breach of rules and applicable laws to the disciplinary board and/or police. This may lead to the account holder being suspended from his studies and/or legal sanctions.
  • System managers are bound by professional secrecy. This does not, however, apply in relation to legal authorities.
  • For the purpose of regular maintenance and enforcement of these rules the system managers are, within their field of responsibility, entitled to log KTH's systems and examine the contents of traffic, data, files or suchlike that is stored or under transmission.
  • System managers are entitled to close accounts in cases of well-founded suspicion of infringement of any rules.

These rules are available via  and are announced on the department's noticeboards.