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Remote access to computer labs

There is a solution that makes it possible to connect to a Windows computer in a computer room at KTH. It is also possible to connect to Shell servers (Unix / Ubuntu) that run common programs found in Ubuntu computer rooms.

Remote access to Windows computer labs

Through a web interface, it is possible to see which computer labs that are available and then connect to a computer in the lab. There is a list over the computer lab rooms that have the possibility for remote access, and from there it is possible to access one of the physical computers in that room.

The access is one-to-one, i.e. each physical computer can only have one remote user. Supported OS: Windows 10, Mac OS X.
Instructions to connect to a Windows computer in the lab at KTH:

Remote Access to Windows Computer Labs

Restrictions on remote access to Windows computer rooms

  • All common computer rooms are included.
  • There is no integration to the booking system, which means that the computers cannot be reserved in advance.
  • The computers that have remote access may not be used locally, and therefore the corresponding rooms must be physically closed during this time.
  • The computers are available 24/7
  • Teachers and groups of students who wish to work together are advised to set up communication through Zoom.

Remote access to shell servers (Unix / Ubuntu)

For instructions, click on the link:

Remote access to shell servers

Please use the regular channels for IT support  in case of any problems or questions.