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Scholarship announcements

Here you will find the scholarships from KTH's affiliated foundations that you, as a student, can apply for. Some scholarships are open to all students, while others, only students from a certain school, can apply.

Here you will find the scholarships from KTH's affiliated foundations for which KTH students can apply. Some scholarships are open for everyone, while others are only for students from a specific programme. Below you can find the scholarships that you can apply for. You need to be logged in to see the scholarships. For a complete list of all KTH's affiliated foundations, see About KTH's affiliated foundations .

Find scholarships on this page

Scholarships all students can apply to

Scholarships for ABE school

Scholarships for CBH school

Scholarhips for EECS school

Scholarships for ITM school

Scholarships for associations/chapters within THS

Karl Engver's Foundation for student-drive projects via THS