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KTH affiliated foundations

Here you will find information in brief regarding the approximately 90 foundations formed through various donations to KTH and currently managed by KTH. Some scholarships can only be awarded to KTH students, while others are for teachers, researchers or doctoral students.

About the foundations

This is a compilation of all foundations managed by KTH. When a foundation is announced (open for application), it can be found on the pages Scholarship announcements for students  and Scholarship announcements for employees . You need to log in to have access to the announcements.

Approximately 90 foundations, formed through generous donations to KTH over the years, are currently managed by KTH. The purpose of each foundation is stated in the statute of each individual foundation. The largest group of KTH affiliated foundations, comprising around 50 foundations, awards scholarships for studies to undergraduate students. Among this group is found the oldest of the foundations managed by KTH, which made a donation back in 1866. For these donations, scholarship foundations were created for students without means who distinguish themselves through diligence, natural ability and honourable conduct. These foundations still award scholarships to KTH students (general student scholarships).

Some 30 foundations award travel grants to lecturers, researchers and doctoral students regardless of the field of study. Other foundations contribute to the research activity within a particular branch of KTH's research.

One of the largest foundations managed by KTH is The KTH Great Prize, taken from the proceeds of a donation made in 1944, which awards the KTH Great Prize each year. The donor, who wished to be and has remained anonymous, has stipulated that the prize shall be awarded to a Swedish citizen who through epoch-making discoveries, ingenious applications or artistic activity has been of national importance.

Prizes and awards

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Stiftelsen Almfonden (The Alm Fund)

Donation year: 1948. The objective of the foundation is the promote the electrotechnical education at KTH's department for electrotechnics by giving the department's teachers opportunities to go on study tours School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stiftelsen Almgrens fond (The Almgren Fund)

Donation year: 1941. The objective of the foundation is to support biochemical research at the department for zymology.

Stiftelsen Aulin-Erdtman-Fonden för organisk kemi (The Aulin-Erdtman-Fund for Organic Chemistry Foundation)

Donation year: 1990. The objective of the foundation is to award travel grants to young chemists at KTH for participation in international conferences on fundamental research in the field of organic chemistry. Funds can also be appropriated to cover foreign organic chemists' travel expenses when giving a lecture in Stockholm School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Stiftelsen AB Wilh. Beckers Jubileumsfond (The AB Wilh. Becker's Jubilee Fund)

Donation year: 1990. The objective of the foundation is to foster PhD studies within chemistry, focussing on materials technology for colour and surface treatment. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Stiftelsen Bergshögskolans jubileumsfond (The Bergshögskolan Jubilee Fund)

Donation year: 1927. The objective of the foundation is, at the disposal of the specialist department of science of mining and metallurgy, be utilized for travel grants for students and library purposes. School of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Bernströms stiftelse (The Bernström Foundation)

Donation year: 1908. The objective of the foundation is to aid necessitous and diligent students at the university. Included in the general study scholarships.

Berwalds stiftelse (The Berwald Foundation)

Donation year: 1978. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students at the university in years 1-4 within the departments K, B or L as an encouragement for distinguished mathematical studies.

Björns stiftelse (The Björn Foundation)

Donation year: 1914. The objective of the foundation is to award travel grants to younger engineers. Included in the general travel grants. Announced February.

Borgquists stiftelse (The Borgquist Foundation)

Donation year: 1962. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship to a well-deserving graduate electrical engineer from the university, to be utilized for continued studies (for Licentiate, doctoral thesis or specialized studies in electrotechnics abroad). In exceptional cases, scholarships may be awarded "especially gifted students within the electrotechnics section" who after having fulfilled all other obligations wishes to continue a "significant electrotechnical degree project". School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Announced October-November.

Brandels stiftelse (The Brandel Foundation)

Donation year: 1904. Family fund. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students at the university, with priority for the donor's relatives. Included in the general study scholarships. Announced December.

Janne Carlssons insamlingsstiftelse för akademiskt ledarskap (The Janne Carlsson Fundraising Foundation for Academic Leadership)

Donation year: 1998. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship for one or more persons who during the previous year made outstanding efforts within academic leadership. Nomination of candidates can be made by any academic as well as research supporting organisations.

Cederbloms stiftelse (The Cederblom Foundation)

Donation year: 1919. The objective of the foundation is to give a contribution to one or more students for the conduct of special, on-going successfully pursued studies within the specialist department for mechanical engineering and mechanical technology, primarily within the study subjects of steam technology and aeronautics. Included in the general study scholarships.

Telefondirektör H T Cedergrens stiftelse (Telephone director H T Cedergren's foundation)

Donation year: 1909. The objective of the foundation is to, award scholarships to either talented and discerning Swedish electrotechnicians who are in need of such in order to, through study tours or practical activities in foreign countries, complete their education in electrotechnics or related areas or for similar electrotechnicians who are in need of such in order to conduct investigations or experiments for a purpose decided by the university board. In order to possess a scholarship, the applicant should after graduation have practised practical electrotechnical activities for at least two but no more than five years. Every fifth year, a silver medal shall be awarded a distinguished author within the electrotechnical area with a preference for Swedish citizens. Any surplus may be awarded as an allowance for continued literary activities within the electrotechnical area. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stiftelsen Cellulosaföreningens Sverigefond (The Cellulose Association's Sweden Fund)

Donation year: 1933. The objective of the foundation is to finance a professorship in cellulose technology and wood chemistry as well as equipment, literature and travel in connection to the service. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Dahls stiftelse (The Dahl Foundation)

Donation year: 1941. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship to one or more students at the university who have received grades in the larger course within the subject the study of water engines and pumps. School of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Danielssons stiftelse (The Danielsson Foundation)

Donation year: 1901. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship to one or more graduated or graduating students at the university who has expressed an interest in broadening their knowledge abroad. Included in the general travel grants.

V Eggertz stipendiestiftelse (The V Eggertz Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1885. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students on the degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering. Included in the Berg funds.

Stiftelsen Engbloms stipendiefond (The Engblom Scholarship Fund)

Donation year: 1982. The objective of the foundation is to facilitate excursions to the USA for graduate engineers from the Department of Telephony and Telegraphy at KTH. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stiftelse E C Ericssons fond (The EC Ericsson Fund)

Donation year: 1939. The objective of the foundation is to award travel grants to doctoral students or younger engineers in the field of electric power engineering. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stiftelsen Adolf och Märta Erikssons minnesfond (Foundation Adolf and Martha Erikson's Memorial Fund)

Donation year: 1999: The objective of the foundation is to promote science and higher education at KTH. Included in the general travel grants.

Olle Erikssons stiftelse för materialteknik (The Olle Eriksson Foundation for Materials Engineering)

Donation year: 2000. The objective of the foundation is to promote research and higher education in the technological subject areas materials/materials engineering by means of scholarships for preferably younger researchers, with a PhD, for participation in conferences and shorter research stays.

Fellenius stiftelse (The Fellenius Foundation)

Donation year: 1917. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to leaving students in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering who have distinguished themselves through success in their studies and through practical ability as well as exhibited diligence and honourable conduct. The School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Stiftelsen Gibson-Cronstedt (The Gibson-Cronstedt Foundation)

Donation year: 1926. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to capable students of KTH from the Gibson, Cronstedt or Norström families who are in need of such funds. If no suitable candidate is found within the families, the scholarship may be awarded to a non-relative. Included in the general study scholarships.

Gimbergs stiftelse (The Gimberg Foundation)

Donation year: 1921. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship to one or more deserving students at the institute. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen Glödlampfabrikernas stipendiefond (The Lightbulb Factory Scholarship Fund)

Donation year: 1925. The objective of the foundation is to award up to four scholarships to electrical engineers, or other engineers or architect within five years of graduation at KTH and after at least two years of practical work. The scholarships are intended to offer the receiver the opportunity, through travel or through practical activities abroad, to study and/or conduct investigations or experiments on light sources or lighting technology in Sweden or abroad. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stiftelsen A H Göransson (The A H Göransson Foundation)

Donation year: 1918. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to persons who following completion of studies at KTH's School for the Science of Mining and Metallurgy or having achieved appropriate qualification applies themselves to research work which may have significance for Swedish iron and steel production and refinement. School of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Stiftelsen Henrik Göranssons Sandviken stipendiefond (The Henrik Göransson Sandviken Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1943. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to persons who obtain an education at or through Kungl. The Institute of Technology. The scholarship shall be awarded to a person who has shown natural ability and diligence in their studies as well as stability and conscientiousness in their ways, and who in view of these factors and their financial situation can be considered deserving and in need of the scholarship for their education. If a number of applicants have fairly similar merits, preference shall be given to the person whose education specializes in industrial activities or a scientific field of industrial significance.

Per Hagbarths stiftelse (The Hagbarth Foundation)

Donation year: 2009. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to KTH graduates who are innovators and entrepreneurs. Scholarships are awarded graduates from the departments that in the 1940s were called chemistry, chemical engineering and physics to develop business ideas in their own businesses.

Stiftelsen Haglinds fond (The Haglind Fund)

Donation year: 1925. The objective of the foundation is to support the institute's Division of Shipbuilding (Division of Marine Systems).

Hesselgrens stiftelse (The Hesselgren Foundation)

Donation year: 1920. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent, gifted students of small means at the institute. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen Heumans fond (The Heuman Fund)

Donation year: 1953. The objective of the foundation is to support the institute's library in its acquisition of literature within the fields of theoretical mechanics and applied mathematics.

Hoffmans stiftelse (The Hoffman Foundation)

Donation year: 1897. The objective of the foundation is to aid diligent and gifted students at the university who are in need of such funds. Included in the general study scholarships.

Fysikern fil.dr Ragnar Holms stiftelse (The Physicist Dr. Ragnar Holm's Foundation)

Donation year: 2006. The objective of the foundation is to aid and remunerate scientific research within a broad field, primarily involving engineering physics and associated sciences, including the history of science and technology, where possible with preference for work which is related to Ragnar Holm's activities and lifework. (one year scholarship in the case of researchers, graduate students or post-docs).

Huldts stiftelse (The Huldt Foundation)

Donation year: 1917. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students of small means in the fourth year of the degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering. Included in the Berg funds.

Hultqvists stiftelse (The Hultqvist Foundation)

Donation year: 1874. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent students at the university who have little or no funding of their own. Included in the general study scholarships.

Håkanssons stiftelse (The Håkansson Foundation)

Donation year: 1917. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students of small means who are thereby deserving. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen ISSLS2000 (The ISSLS2000 Foundation)

Donation year: 2000. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to those who have meritoriously distinguished themselves through well-executed and insightful degree projects of a high class, the results of which are expected to prove a valuable contribution to the development of various types of access network or of services over communication networks.

Stiftelsen Tekniska högskolans i Stockholm kamratstipendiefonder (The Fellows of KTH Scholarship Fund)

Donation year: 1912. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to a deserving student in each of the university's departments. The scholarship shall be awarded to fellows thereby considered most deserving.

Kjellbergs J E stiftelse (The Kjellberg J E Foundation)

Donation year: 1897. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent students of small means at the university. In cases where several students have similar merits, preference shall be given to those who apply themselves to the Science of Mining and Metallurgy. Included in the general study scholarships.

Klasons stiftelse (The Klason Foundation)

Donation year: 1928. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships within the Department of Chemistry; to graduate engineers who intend to apply themselves within the university's Department of Chemistry to investigations of significance to the chemical industry (preference given to graduate students). Only Swedish citizens can receive the scholarship. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Klemminska stiftelsen (The Klemminska scholarship)

Donation year: 1918. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent students of small means. Included in the general study scholarships.

Kreügers stiftelse (The Kreüger Foundation)

Donation year: 1942. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students in the field of Civil and Architectural Engineering, especially those studying Building Technology, who have distinguished themselves through success in their studies and who have an aptitude for research. Included in the general study scholarships.

Kruhs stiftelse (The Kruh Foundation)

Donation year: 1920. The foundation is to be used to award scholarships to students on the degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering or for the acquisition of teaching materials. Included in the Berg funds.

Stiftelsen The KTH-India scholarship foundation

Donation year: 2011. The objective of the foundation is to provide opportunity for two scholars, from India, per academic year, to educate themselves on the advanced level at KTH.

KTH:s innovationspris, Stiftelsen (The KTH Innovation Award Foundation)

Donation year: 2020. The purpose of the foundation is to recognize those who have contributed to a better society with their innovations. The candidates are nominated.

Stiftelsen KTH-V:s resefond (The KTH-V Travel Fund)

Donation year: 1989. The objective of the foundation is to provide active PhD students, researchers and lecturers at KTH-V with the opportunity to contact foreign institutions by awarding travel grants for travelling outside the Nordic regions. The School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Stiftelsen KTHs stora pris ur 1944 års donation (The KTH Great Prize, taken from the proceeds of a donation made in 1944)

Donation year: 1944. The objective of the foundation is to promote the progress of our people within our cultural area, by awarding a scholarship for Swedish citizens who through epoch-making discoveries, ingenious inventions and constructions has to a particularly high degree promoted the shared goal of all fields of activity: the cultural progression of our people.

Stiftelsen Kullgrens fond (The Kullgren Fund)

Donation year: 1957. The purpose of the foundation is to fund certain staff, award scholarships to researchers and students, purchase apparatus, fund excursions, all in connection with the activities of the Division of Chemical Technology. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Stiftelsen Levins fond (The Levin Fund)

Donation year: 1982. The objective of the foundation is to use the proceeds for the acquisition of technological literature and journals for the university library.

Lindahls stiftelse (The Lindahl Foundation)

Donation year: 1927. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to deserving students within the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. Included in the general study scholarships.

Linders stiftelse (The Linder Foundation)

Donation year: 1980. The objective of the foundation is to award travel grants to doctoral students in the university's Department of Chemistry. Priority is given to students of the Chemical Engineering subject area. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health

Anders Lindstedts stiftelse (The Anders Lindstedt Foundation)

Donation year: 1933. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to KTH graduates who intend to study for their doctor's degree at the university and to award study grants to certain administration and library personnel.

Lindstrands stiftelse (The Lindstrand Foundation)

Donation year: 1896. The objective of the foundation is to award grants as travel aid for young men and women who have completed a full course at the university and who intend to apply themselves in industry. Included in the general travel grants. 

Lindströms P F stiftelse (The Lindström P F Foundation)

Donation year: 1897. The objective of the foundation is to award travel aid to a graduate engineer from the university who has applied themselves within the field of mechanics. Applicants with no funding of their own shall be given priority. Applicants from Smålands nation in Uppsala shall be given priority.

Lundeqvists stiftelse (The Lundeqvist Foundation)

Donation year: 1958. The objective of the foundation is to promote scientific research within the field of Naval Architecture, primarily at KTH.

Malmes stiftelse (The Malme Foundation)

Donation year: 1984. The objective of the foundation is to award grants to students in the Department of Electrical Engineering in order to facilitate job placement abroad - primarily in England, Germany, France - during the summer holidays. Degree projects abroad are also considered. Priority is given to those who have specialized in the study of Electric Power Engineering. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Malméns stiftelse (The Malmén Foundation)

Donation year: 1919. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent students with no funding of their own at the university. Included in the general study scholarships.

Melanders stiftelse (The Melander Foundation)

Donation year: 1947. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students at the university. Included in the general study scholarships.

Bergsingenjör Tore Nelsons minnesstiftelse (The Mining Engineer Tore Nelson Memorial Foundation)

Donation year: 1934. The objective of the foundation is to award a scholarship to a studying, active and promising young person at the university taking the degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering. Included in the Berg funds.

Nobelska stiftelsen (The Nobel Foundation)

Donation year: 1927. The objective of the foundation: Research scholarship can be awarded to a graduate engineer from KTH's study programme for chemistry. Scholarships shall first and foremost be awarded for research work in the field of explosives technology or related fields of the chemical technology which are of significance for the explosives industry. Scholarships may additionally be awarded for research in related fields within Chemical Engineering and Technology. Thirdly, scholarships may be awarded for research in adjacent areas at the university. A study scholarship can be awarded to a student on KTH's study programme for chemistry who in their degree project deals with a problem within the above-mentioned subject areas. Swedish citizens only. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

The Rudolph Carl Norberg Fund

Donation year: 2004. The objective of the foundation is to encourage and support students at the university active in the subject area American-Swedish Economic Relations. Scholarship is primarily awarded to the person who writes the best essay, report or research report concerning American-Swedish economic relations. Alternatively, scholarships are awarded for studies, research or visits at Cornell University, USA.

Nyströmers stiftelse (The Nyströmer Foundation)

Donation year: 1913. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to one or more young graduate engineers from the university in the field of Civil Engineering. The School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Samuel Owens stipendiestiftelse (The Samuel Owens Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1874. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students at KTH. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen Petersohns minne (The Petersohn Memorial Foundation)

Donation year: 1981. The objective of the foundation is to support fundamental research in the field of Aero-Hydrodynamics; can be used for researchers' study visits, participation in conferences, symposiums or similar, for foreign researchers' trips and living costs at the university, organizing of conferences and symposiums at their own institution and for international representation in this context. School of Engineering Sciences.

Stiftelsen Petersson W minnesfond (The Petersson W Memorial Fund)

Donation year: 1948. The objective of the foundation is to support research work and excursions for lecturers at the department of the Science of Mining and Metallurgy. School of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Philips stiftelse (The Philip Foundation)

Donation year: 1964. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to highly gifted graduate civil engineers or architects from the university for excursions or research work in order to attain a PhD in technology.

Otto och Anna Platins stipendiestiftelse (The Otto and Anna Platin Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1910. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent and gifted students at the university. Priority is given to students from Gothenburg. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen Pleijelfonden (The Pleijel Fund)

Donation year: 1943. The objective of the foundation is to promote technological scientific research at KTH's Electronics Division. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Romans stiftelse (The Roman Foundation)

Donation year: 1919. The objective of the foundation is to award a travel grant to a student who has been through the university's Division of Chemical Engineering. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Roos stiftelse (The Roos Foundation)

Donation year: 1926. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to KTH graduates with Swedish citizenship for the carrying out of certain scientific work of significance to Technical Science or the industry. Priority is given to work within chemistry. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health.

Rundqvists stiftelse (The Rundqvist Foundation)

Donation year: 1912. The objective of the foundation is to award study scholarships to KTH students who prove to be deserving through their diligence and aptitude. Included in the general study scholarships.

Sahlins stiftelse (The Sahlin Foundation)

Donation year: 1927. The objective of the foundation is to award up to three scholarships to students on the degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering. Included in the Berg funds.

Stiftelsen Signeuls fond (The Signeul Fund)

Donation year: 1977. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to doctoral students, lecturers or other researchers at the university for travel to conferences, congress or similar, or a stay at another university/research laboratory for exchange and research purposes.

Stiftelsen Silléns fond (the Sillén Fund)

Donation year: 1973. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to assistants, graduate students, lecturers or other persons who conduct doctoral studies or research within the field of chemistry, preferably within the subject areas of analytical, physical, organic or inorganic chemistry. The scholarships shall be used for travel to conferences, congresses, etc. or for a stay at another university/research laboratory for education and research purposes. School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health

Smitts stiftelse (The Smitt Foundation)

Donation year: 1904. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent, virtuous and intelligent students of small means at the university, especially students at the Department of Chemistry, and those who are related to the donor. Included in the general study scholarships.

Styffes stiftelse (The Styffe Foundation)

Donation year: 1898. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to previous or recent KTH graduates who have distinguished themselves with sound morals, conscientiousness and expertise, and who wish to deepen their expertise abroad. Included in the general travel grants.

Sundahls stiftelse (The Sundahl scholarship)

Donation year: 1940. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students at the Department of Architecture who are in need of such funds.

Överståthållare Gustaf Tamms stipendiestiftelse (The Governor Gustaf Tamm Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1919. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to up to two deserving students of Swedish nationality on KTH's degree programme in Materials Design and Engineering in the third study year or higher who require financial support in order to carry out their studies. Included in the Berg funds.

Stiftelsen för teknisk vetenskaplig forskning och utbildning (The Foundation for Technical Scientific Research and Education)

Year of donation: 2009. The purpose of the foundation is to promote technical scientific research and education at KTH for doctoral students enrolled at KTH. The scholarship holder is given the opportunity to participate in advanced regular teaching at foreign universities or similar for a longer period of time (e.g. a full semester or a full academic year). The purpose is to conduct studies of great value either in subject areas that are not represented by Swedish universities or colleges or to take part in teaching that in terms of nature, scope and quality differs significantly from the teaching available in Sweden.

Stiftelsen Teknologiska institutet (The Institute of Technology Foundation)

Donation year: 1877. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to students who have successfully completed at least the second study year. Included in the general study scholarships.

Törners stiftelse (The Törner Foundation)

Donation year: 1879. The objective of the foundation is to support students of small means, primarily for travelling in connection with practical work. Included in the general study scholarships.

Stiftelsen Vattenbyggnadslaboratoriets fond (The Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory Fund)

Donation year: 1926. The objective of the foundation is to award travel grants to the director of the hydraulic engineering laboratory or his laboratory assistants for study or conference trips abroad. The School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Velanders stiftelse (The Velander Foundation)

Donation year: 1948. The objective of the foundation is to support techno-economic research into problems relating to power production (primarily hydroelectric power), power distribution and power consumption by means of scholarships. Order of priority is 1: supervisors, 2: graduate students, 3: others. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

KTH:s stiftelse för vetenskap och högre utbildning (The KTH Foundation for Science and Higher Education)

Donation year: 1971. The objective of the foundation is to promote research and development of the teaching methods at KTH. The scholarship shall be awarded first and foremost to an individual who in their activity at the university conducts research and/or higher education, especially of an interdisciplinary nature.

Wahlbäcks stiftelse (The Wahlbäck Foundation)

Donation year: 1926. The objective of the foundation is to support poor students from Värmland and certain areas of Skaraborg municipality (The parishes of Skara, Falköping, Stenums, Bjurums and Bjerka)

Wallins stiftelse (The Wallin Foundation)

Donation year: 1978. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships for study purposes. Included in the general study scholarships

Stiftelsen professor Gunnar Wallquists donationsfond (The Professor Gunnar Wallquist Donation Fund)

Donation year: 1971. The objective of the foundation is to provide representation facility for KTH management and award a medal as a prize to honour outstanding individuals in the field of mining and a study medal for outstanding study results to a student in the final study year.

Thure Wawrinskys stipendiestiftelse (The Thure Wawrinsky Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1927. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to diligent students in need of such funds, with priority for students with an aptitude for inventing. Included in the general study scholarships. Announced December.

Jonas Wenströms stipendiestiftelse (The Jonas Wenström Scholarship Foundation)

Donation year: 1899. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to Electrical Engineering students. Included in the general study scholarships.

Yngströms stiftelse (The Yngström Foundation)

Donation year: 1907. The objective of the foundation is to award scholarships to Swedish students of the Science of Mining and Metallurgy at the university in the final study year. School of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Zanders stiftelse (The Zander Foundation)

Donation year: 1925. The objective of the foundation: the yearly interest of this fund shall be equally divided between two students who have completed their final examination in the degree programme in Civil Engineering and Urban Management. The School of Architecture and the Built Environment.