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Graduation ceremony at KTH

The graduation ceremony at KTH is an academic celebration in Stockholm City Hall where KTH celebrates students who have graduated. As a recent graduate, you can register for the diploma ceremony within three years of graduating.

The diplomas are presented by the KTH president or vice president. During the ceremony, you will also hear speeches by KTH's president or vice president and the president or vice president of THS. KTH's Academic Orchestra  and Kongl. teknologkören  performs music during the ceremony.

The graduation ceremony is open to newly graduated architects, masters of science in engineering, bachelors of science in engineering, master's degree holders and candidates from the bachelor's programmes.

Dates of ceremonies

Graduation ceremonies usually take place twice a year, at the end of May and mid-December.

  • 21 and 22 May 2025
  • 16 and 17 December 2025

The date on which you can participate in the two-date events depend on the school to which your programme belongs.

  • May 2025
    21 May: CBH, EECS and SCI
    22 May: ABE and ITM
  • December 2025
    16 December: ABE and ITM
    17 December: CBH, EECS and SCI

Five steps to the graduation ceremony

1. Have you applied for a degree?

You need to apply for your degree well in advance of the release of tickets for the ceremony (see step 4) in order for your application to be processed and your degree to be issued. Here you will find information on how to proceed.

Degree certificate – how and where to apply

Please note that if you have completed a bachelor's degree as part of a five-year engineering or architectural programme, you are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony when your degree of master of science or degree of master of archtecture has been issued.

2. Have you received your degree certificate?

To register for the ceremony, you must have had your degree certificate issued. The degree certificate is issued digitally and sent to the e-mail address you have provided in Ladok.

3. Sign the inquiry

To be able to book tickets you must have signed the inquiry. Invitations are only sent to those who signed the inquiry.

In order to book tickets for the ceremony, you must be on the entry list. Invitations to the ticket release will only be sent to those who have registered on the list. 

Sign the inquiry

4. Tickets are released and booking opens

There are a total of 300 tickets per ceremony available and it is first come, first served. As number of seats are limited and this is a popular ceremony, tickets are quickly booked. Once the ceremony is fully booked, the booking page will close. You will be able to invite three guests to the graduation ceremony.

Here are important dates regarding the upcoming ceremonies:

21 och 22 May 2025
The invitation will be sent on 14 April, the registration link will open on 15 April at 10 a.m. and close 20 April. Your inquiry must be made by 13 April at the latest.

16 and 17 December 2025
The invitation will be sent on 28 October, the registration link will open on 29 October at 10 a.m and close 4 November. Your inquiry must be made by 27 October at the latest.

If your degree is not issued in Ladok by the day before the invitation is sent out, your registration will be deleted.

5. The graduation ceremony

Once you have booked a place for the ceremony, you first receive a preliminary confirmation.Your degree is then confirmed in Ladok and only then will you receive a final confirmation of your registration. About one week before the ceremony, you will receive an email with your tickets. It is important that you read all information sent to you.  

The doors to the City Hall open at 16.20, the ceremony starts at 17.00 and it ends at 18.45. Only guests with tickets are welcome.

Awards given out during the graduation ceremony

At the ceremony in May the following awards are given out: Gunnar Wallquists study medal och Alum of the Year.

At the ceremony in December the following awards are given out: KTH's Pedagogical prize, The President's Equality and Diversity prize and Teacher of the year.

Video about the graduation ceremony

Please note that there is no mingle after the ceremony.