Course application
As a student enrolled in a programme at KTH, you are responsible for applying for the programme courses you will be taking during the next semester. It does not apply to the courses in the first semester of your programme studies. The web application for programme courses (AKP) takes place at before each new semester.
Before the course application
As a student registered and actively studying in a programme at KTH, you are responsible for applying for the programme courses you will be taking during the next semester. It does not apply to the courses in the first semester of your programme studies.
Which courses you should apply for
Before the course application process begins, you will receive information regarding requirements from your program study counsellor or master coordinator. For example, information regarding specific prerequisites for courses and which courses are mandatory.
You can see which courses are included in your programme syllabus. You will also find application codes and more information about the courses, such as the number of places, the language of instruction and study location.
Find Programme Syllabus (Course and programme directory)
You are responsible for applying for the courses in your programme's curriculum and ensuring that you meet the entrance qualifications. The fact that it is possible to apply for a course does not necessarily mean that it is relevant to your particular programme studies. You may apply for a maximum of 8 courses and be admitted to courses that total 35 credits.
Previously registered
You may not sign up for a course you have previously been registered for. You cannot be admitted to the same course more than once. Instead, contact your study counsellor or master coordinator regarding the possibility of retaking or continuing the course, if space allows.
Cancelled courses
KTH may cancel a course for several reasons. For instance, if there are few applicants or other obstacles occur, it may be impossible for KTH to offer the course. When a course is cancelled you will be informed via the Notification of Results or from the school providing the course, depending on when the course is cancelled.
The application process occurs twice a year via .
- Application for the autumn programme courses is 1-15 May every year
- Application for the spring programme courses is 1-15 November every year
How to make an application
How to apply for your programme courses
Late applications
Late applications are handled by the study counsellors. Late applications are only considered if there are available seats and resources.
Notification of Selection Results (letter of admission)
When the selection process is complete, in early August if you applied for autumn courses and in mid December if you applied for spring courses, you will receive a Notification of Selection Results with information regarding your application. You do not need to reply. The notification will state that any admission is conditional, the condition being that you meet the entry requirements listed in the current course syllabus by the start of the course.