Course development
On this page, the course coordinator or examiner will publish course analyses with course data for a course offering. When the course analysis has been published, the course data, the course memo, and the course syllabus are displayed. All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.
The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, etc. can use the page as support in course development.
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.
HT 2022-51625 ( Startdatum 2022-10-31, Svenska )
Course syllabus EL1010 ( Autumn 2021 - )Course memo EL1010 Autumn 2022-51625Course analysis: 6 Oct 2023Coordinator | Examiners | Students | Examination | Result | Changes of the course before this course offering |
Jonas Mårtensson | Jonas Mårtensson | 172 | LABD (0,5) P, F LABE (1,5) P, F LABF (2,0) P, F TENB (2,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F | 57.6 % | Datorövningar i vanlig sal (istället för datorsal) med egen laptop, för att enklare kunna hålla genomgångar vid tavlan. Inspelade föreläsningar togs bort. |
Course data has been registered manually
Additional data about the course analysis
The course analysis applies to following course offerings
Compulsory within programme
Published first time
6 Oct 2023
Last time changed
No changes since first published.
HT 2021-1 ( Startdatum 2021-11-01, Svenska )
Course syllabus EL1010 ( Autumn 2021 - )No course memo addedCourse analysis: 13 Sept 2022Coordinator | Examiners | Students | Examination | Result | Changes of the course before this course offering |
Jonas Mårtensson | Jonas Mårtensson | 191 | LABD (0,5) P, F LABE (1,5) P, F LABF (2,0) P, F TENB (2,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F | 33.5 % | Ny kursansvarig lärare och examinator. Labbar görs till hälften hemma på egen dator (coronaförändring som permanentats). Examinationsgrad efter omtenta 60.2%. |
Course data has been registered manually
Additional data about the course analysis
The course analysis applies to following course offerings
Compulsory within programme
Published first time
13 Sept 2022
Last time changed
No changes since first published.
HT 2020-1 ( Startdatum 2020-10-26, Svenska )
Course syllabus EL1010 ( Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 )No course memo addedCourse analysis: 18 Feb 2021Coordinator | Examiners | Students | Examination | Result | Changes of the course before this course offering |
Henrik Sandberg | Henrik Sandberg | 232 | LABA (1,0) P, F LABB (2,0) P, F LABC (2,0) P, F TENA (1,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F | 69.8 % * | P.g.a. corona-anpassning (övergång till distansundervisning i huvudsak) genomfördes stora ändringar i samtliga moment: * Föreläsningar: Gavs i realtid över Zoom och spelades in. * Övningar: Spelades in i förväg och frågor togs över Zoom under schemalagd tid. * Räknestugor: Gavs över Zoom. * Lab1-2: Halva laborationen gavs fysiskt i mindre grupper, och halva laborationen fick studenterna göra själva i simulator. Testet inför Lab2 gjordes i förväg över Canvas, istället för på plats på papper. * Lab3: Redovisning över Zoom. * Tentamen: Inplanerad som salstenta men ändrades till zoomtenta p.g.a. skärpta corona-restriktioner. Enligt KTHs regelverk infördes också ett målrelaterat krav på de första tre uppgifterna. * Canvas: Canvassidan gjordes om helt och hållet, och organiserades efter kursveckor. Canvasquizar skapades för varje vecka. |
Course data has been registered manually
Additional data about the course analysis
The course analysis applies to following course offerings
Compulsory within programme
Published first time
18 Feb 2021
Last time changed
No changes since first published.
HT 2019-2 ( Startdatum 2019-10-28, Svenska ) , HT 2019-1 ( Startdatum 2019-10-28, Svenska )
Course syllabus EL1010 ( Spring 2019 - Spring 2020 )No course memo addedNo course memo addedCourse analysis: 13 Feb 2020Coordinator | Examiners | Students | Examination | Result | Changes of the course before this course offering |
Henrik Sandberg | Henrik Sandberg | 213 | LABA (1,0) P, F LABB (2,0) P, F LABC (2,0) P, F TENA (1,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F | 60.1 % * | Jämfört med i fjol så har vi lagt till en extra föreläsning om kompensering i frekvensplanet (Föreläsning 6) för att bättre förbereda inför datorprojektet. Detta medför också att mer tid under Föreläsning 7 kan läggas på icke-minfassystem än under tidigare år. |
Course data has been registered manually
Additional data about the course analysis
The course analysis applies to following course offerings
Compulsory within programme
Published first time
13 Feb 2020
Last time changed
No changes since first published.
HT 2018-1 ( Startdatum 2018-10-29, Svenska )
Course syllabus EL1010 ( Autumn 2016 - Autumn 2018 )No course memo addedCourse analysis: 23 Oct 2019Coordinator | Examiners | Students | Examination | Result | Changes of the course before this course offering |
Henrik Sandberg | Henrik Sandberg | 230 | LABA (1,0) P, F LABB (2,0) P, F LABC (2,0) P, F TENA (1,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F | 66.1 % |
Course data has been registered manually
Additional data about the course analysis
The course analysis applies to following course offerings
Compulsory within programme
Published first time
23 Oct 2019
Last time changed
No changes since first published.